It is time to cancel the Cancel Culture.
By that I mean the Cancel Culture is no longer relevant. Our cultural evolution has moved on. We are now living in The Eraser Culture. It is no longer effective to just cancel people and their ideas and statements. The act of canceling people draws too much attention, and the resulting brouhaha actually has the opposite effect. In many cases those that were getting canceled have ironically become more famous, more influential than they otherwise would have been. For the past six years, Donald Trump has been the Poster Boy for the Cancel Culture. But it has failed miserably. Polls show Trump is more popular than ever. Up against not only the Democrats, Trump's approved Republican candidates are winning and most RINOs are being pushed aside too. So now the Puppet Masters that exert control over our culture, those that I refer to as The FrankenMedia Monsters, have turned to a newer and more drastic tactic. Throughout Trump's ascension, the complicite news media, academia, union leadership and the Beltway Brotherhood, have used the same tactics Communists have used to undermine their opposition throughout history. They totally obliterate the historical record. The FBI raid on Trump's private residence is a perfect example. FBI agents were observed walking out of Mira Lago with dozens of boxes of so-called "evidence". Whether or not it will ever be used in any legal procedure is irrelevant because everything will be destroyed. All of the history and documentation that would have been incorporated in a Trump Presidential Library will have disappeared. No library, no legacy, he never happened. That makes it a lot less complicated to answer annoying questions about the successes of his recent administration, especially when juxtaposed against the obvious calamity of Chairman Joe's vacuous and oxymoronic Build Back Better agenda. Look back at Mao Zedong's Chinese Cultural Revolution in 1966. Communist Party Chairman Mao shutdown schools, allowed overzealous thugs to abuse power, encouraged mass vilification of any opposing viewpoints, and established a cult of Progressive Thought Police by erasing anything old or historically in conflict with Communist Progressive Principles. Mao utilized his official ministries to harass and arrest opposition leaders, often sending them off to prison or execution. Frustrated and angry youth groups, known as The Red Guard, were allowed to roam the countryside acting as paramilitary enforcement agencies, just as ANTIFA and BLM are doing across America. They tore down statues, demolished libraries, and reordered the curricula of schools. Sounds all too familiar as Americans are witnessing Chairman Joe's campaign to demonize Republicans, criminalize descent, indoctrinate students with unscientiific gender and race theories,and to ignore rampant crime, illegal immigration, homelessness, drug smuggling and drug abuse. As supply channels continue to collapse, productivity stumbles, and store shelves grow empty, Americans feel increasingly anxious about losing our livelihood, our children and our freedom. The dictionary defines the term "trumped up" as: A clever use of the imagination to "invent, fabricate, or lie about" or to use "deceit, dishonest, unproven, fraudulent, or mendacious" evidence. Since the day Trump announced his candidacy for President, the Democrats and faux Republicans have thrown everything but the kitchen sink at him to paint him as undemocratic, unpatriotic, unpopular, undisciplined, and criminal. They have spent enormous amounts of public funds to investigate and slander him. All of their efforts have proven to be nothing less than 'trumped up" despicable garbage. Let's hope Build Back Better, Biden's own version of Mao's Great Leap Forward, won't result in the same sort of unintended consequences where 60 million people died before the dictator was deposed. Let's hope we can erase Biden and his cronies before they erase America. |
January 2025