Chris Cillizza, Editor At Large for CNN says that too many journalists 'totally missed' the most important part of the much discussed 'tough language' Trump used in the recent meeting with Congressional leaders up on Capitol Hill. Only problem is, so does he! But even worse, he mischaracterizes Trump's intentions as a racial slam. "Trump has trafficked in racial language, racial stereotyping and racial animus. This is who he is and what he does; the history is conclusive." Not so fast...Liberals are hair trigger fast to use the term 'conclusive' because they don't want anyone to actually fact check them. He was referring to an attack on Trump's truthfulness the New York Times published in January: "He uses the gang MS-13 to disparage all immigrants. Among many other statements, he has suggested that Obama’s protection of the Dreamers — otherwise law-abiding immigrants who were brought to the United States illegally as children — contributed to the spread of MS-13." 'Otherwise law abiding' immigrants couldn't be further from the truth. The facts are that many Dreamers did contribute to the spread of the notorious MS13 gang. Once again, this claim leaps to the conclusion that Trump 'disparages all immigrants.' That's another leap with no basis in fact. It may be the Times reporters opinion, but how can anyone speak for 'all immigrants'? "He began his 2016 presidential campaign with a speech disparaging Mexican immigrants as criminals and “rapists.” Trump actually said, "When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending the best. They're sending people that have lots of problems and they're bringing those problems. They're bringing drugs, they're bringing crime. They're rapists and some, I assume, are good people, but I speak to border guards and they're telling us what we're getting." There is a ton of truth to that statement, as inarticulate as it may be. The enormous overabundance and representation of illegal aliens in Southwestern prisons attests to the accuracy of his claim. No bones about it. "In December 2015, Trump called for a “a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States,” including refusing to readmit Muslim-American citizens who were outside of the country at the time." Trump was pointing out the stupidity of allowing unvetted Muslims immigration rights when radical Islamic Muslim groups all over the world are actively trying to infiltrate our society to commit crimes of mass destruction. His recommendation was on a temporary basis, exactly as Truman and Roosevelt had recommended during World War II. But it provided an opportunity for Democrats to conveniently forget their own 'racist' political history and to paint Trump as Islamophobic. "Trump said a federal judge hearing a case about Trump University was biased because of the judge’s Mexican heritage." He actually said "he might be" biased. Apparently it is racist for Trump to question someone's heritage influence in litigation, but liberals try to restrict Jews from actively commenting on Palestinian issues because of their 'inherent bias' all the time. Once again, Cillizza has made an unsubstantiated racial stereotype accusation, and my guess is he will not be challenged on it. During the Capitol Hill conference, Trump was asking, in a typical New York street slang sort of way, "Why does our immigration policy favor people who have little to offer our country?" But the knee-jerk reaction by the biased news media was to leap-frog from an immigration issue to the racial angle. "But focusing on the specific words Trump used missed the broader -- and much more important -- point here. Trump's message could not be clearer: Why are we taking in immigrants from places primarily populated by black and brown people when we should be taking in more white immigrants?" He is putting words in Trump's mouth, because that is not what Trump said. First of all, what Trump said was not a message, it was a question, which in light of the recent immigration debate is appropriate. Many Americans are frustrated by our Federal immigration policies and the appearance that unskilled, unvetted and potentially dependant people are getting pushed to the front of the waiting list. The issue is security, safety, and our Federal priorities. Race has little or nothing to do with any of the process. Cillizza says it "could not be clearer." that Trump was referring to the race of the people because of how he characterized the countries of origin. The transcripts show Trump never mentioned anyones skin color. But that point is of no consequence to the anti-Trump columnist, because from his perspective we already know Trump is a racist who hates people of color so it is the responsibility of the arrogant and elitist Fake News Media to 'reinterpret' his 'hateful' comments. He thinks we Trump supporters are too dumb to understand the 'real issues,' so he must point them out to us. Cillizza is practicing Orwell's NewsSpeak, taking apart quotes and refabricating them to reflect the approved GroupThink. Would it ever occur to Cillizza to look at what Trump was getting at, minus the race issue. No matter what color the people are, if they are not prepared to support themselves, to adopt our culture, and to assimilate, why should we bend over backwards to bring them into our country? Is it America's responsibility to intervene on behalf of anyone who dislikes their country and wants to come to America? Are we xenophobic just because we think it appropriate to impose some kind of immigration standards? I would suggest that it is the leftist Media that is acting racist. They are the ones preoccupied by race, never once recognizing that America has a security and immigration crisis. They are unable to have any discussion about immigration without demanding the presumption of white xenophobia before we even start the conversation. Now that is racist! They are prejudging white people and Trump supporters before they even know what they are actually thinking. And when anyone, especially Trump, tries to articulate or investigate sensitive issues like immigration, the biased media starts using misstatements, fabrications and invective to reinforce their own racist views about nonconformist white people. Trump has a knack for using slang and profanity to reveal a much greater underlying truth. |
January 2025