I have listened to some people I respect, and that are longtime acquaintances of President Trump, suggesting that he has lost it. That he simply can't accept losing and therefore he is in denial. They are suggesting he be shamed for his incitement of the January 7th events at the Capitol Building in Washington.
This is the Ultimate Cancellation. First, Trump has nothing to be ashamed of. He did not incite violence at the Capitol Building. He fashioned the events in exactly the same way as he has all of his dozens of rallies since he announced his run for the Presidency in 2016. The fact that he has conducted rallies with millions of attendees that have always been peaceful is undeniable. If you listen to the tapes of his address to the audience, he never once suggests violating the law. He simply said to "go down to the Capitol, and have your voices heard. Stay strong, this isn't over yet!" There is nothing illegal or incendiary about that. If you look back at history, raucous demonstrations have happened many times in Washington, and at dozens of other centers of government in America. Covid lockdown demonstrations have been held in front of state capitals all over the nation. Remember when demonstrators against the confirmation of SCOTUS Brett Kavanaugh stormed the Senate Office Building in October 2018? 300 people were arrested. When BLM and ANTIFA were rampaging across metropolitan cities in early 2020, Senator Kamala Harris said, "This is a movement! They will never stop. They shouldn't stop." It is not unusual for large crowds to get out of control. Especially when emotions are running high. And what could be more aggravating than to believe that the election of a President was stolen by digital manipulation? The people involved in this "Million Man March" in Washington believed it was. Suggesting they stormed the building because Trump lied about the election fraud insults their intelligence. It assumes they are too stupid to distinguish fact from fiction. It trivializes the charges that something went terribly wrong on November 3rd, 2020. Right or wrong, telling millions of Americans they are delusional is what provoked violence! Second, Trump has nothing to be ashamed of. His record speaks for itself. He has arguably been the most successful President in modern American history. He won 11 million more votes than he got in his first election! By any standards that is a successful administration! Whatever he was doing was welcomed by vast numbers of Americans. More blacks, Latinos and women voted for him than any Republican candidate in history. The anti-Trump media is rewriting history. He was well on his way to Making America Great Again until a biological weapon was unleashed on the world, and his political opponents embraced it as an opportunity to reclaim power. Don't take my word for it, just look at what they have said and what they are saying now! So spare me the gaslighting assault on the public's intelligence. There are two main 'premises' we have to question before we start sending the Trump Legacy to the guillotines:
I challenge anyone to prove either of those two assumptions. Now that all of the forensic evidence surrounding the election has been conveniently destroyed, fraud can't be proved or disproved!. And if you can't scientifically prove the Covid19 virus was a natural occurrence, then you can't prove it wasn't. Checkmate! Many claim that Trump's "baseless" charges about both have been "debunked" dozens of times. No serious analysis has been offered to "debunk" the Dominion voting machine issues. There is anecdotal 'excuses' for errors, but the only forensic analysis in Michigan (by Allied Security Operations Group, LLC) showed votes were switched, not just in the Presidential election, but in local elections as well. {The Interim Report vindicates the lengthy opinion and order of Judge Amy Totenberg in Curling v. Raffensperger, 2020 WL 5994029 (N.D. Ga. 10/11/20), which found “extreme” and unacceptable security risks in the Dominion system. Compelling evidence and expert analyses show convincingly that the results of the Dominion system cannot be trusted and should not have been certified.} --https://www.supremecourt.gov/DocketPDF/20/20-815/163875/20201215164905775_Final%20Michigan%20Notice%20of%20Supplemental%20Authority.pdf In every instance, the Democrats were the beneficiaries. No government agency has stepped in and seized machines, ballots or undertaken any serious investigation of fraud. As for the pandemic, hundreds of accredited epidemiologists, led by the Frontline Covid19 Critical Care Initiative, claim the virus is clearly "man-made" which implies it didn't just happen by accident. And they also accuse mainstream media of mischaracterizing its danger, and misreporting much of the science behind it's treatment. In both cases, Trump's opposition (Democrats, high tech Silicon Valley, China) have suppressed investigations, withheld evidence, manipulated and used the media to obfuscate and undermine any fair examination of evidence. If you are really interested in understanding why millions of Americans are pissed off, just look at what is happening to our nation's health: Schools and churches are closed, businesses are bankrupt, their owners may lose their homes, and millions are unemployed with no hope of finding work anytime soon. We are all living in prison-like lockdowns, and every dream we ever had about the future of our family is threatened. To pursue truth and justice ("No Justice, No Peace") you must ask yourself, why? Or you can just succumb to the popular method of dealing with things that upset or offend you: You can just cancel it. |
January 2025