![]() Our political family is caught in crisis. Our leaders are are addicted to overspending, the Middle East is on fire, our infrastructure is crumbling from neglect, nearly 100 million Americans are out of the workforce and our ability to unite over social and civil issues has all but been abandoned. Robots are rapidly replacing middle class jobs, and millennials think capitalism is unfair and socialism may be preferable. Women feel under siege, as do most men. Our business community is leaving the country as are our jobs. The rapidly expanding dependency class is growing restless, and all the politicians can recommend is to throw more of the 'richest Americans' tax money at it. The list of challenges is endless, so much so that the establishment, on both sides of the isle, recommend we turn it over to one of those career politicians who got us into this mess in the first place! Isn't that the definition of insanity? Donald Trump thinks so, and he is leading the charge to intervene, to stop the country from it's descent into self destruction. So the establishment is screaming that Trump is unqualified to be President. Just what 'qualifies' a man or woman to be the leader of the modern world? Is it political experience? If so, how did Dwight Eisenhower get elected? Is it charm? Dick Nixon was elected twice, so I don't think that criteria is important. Is it intelligence? According to Democrats, it can't be because they lost to George Bush twice! Is it expertise in a certain area such as foreign policy? Nope, because no one knew what Barack Obama stood for regarding that when he ascended to the Oval Office in 2008. For example, in a conversation between prominent journalists Tom Brokaw and Charlie Rose recorded in November 2008, just a few days before the election of Obama, the men admitted they knew little about the Democratic candidate, his policies on China, terrorism or the Middle East, or what he thought about NATO or Iran. They admitted that the press had all but ignored those issues, instead they were focused on the idea that a black man could actually win the Presidency. The point is, in the history of our country, the diversity of the candidates for the Presidency has been fairly homogenous. They have been near unanimously former legislators or Governors. They have been consummate insiders, establishment operatives, part and parcel of the system. Even with his brief political history, other than a stint as an Illinois Congressman, Obama was essentially a community activist and organizer. He is highly educated and very articulate, but his worldliness was non-existent. He had no military experience, no management experience, and some would say no business background. Only his brief term as an Illinois senator, and the fact that he was black, gave him the huevos to even consider running for President. Hillary has experience in the Senate, and has worldly exposure as the Secretary of State. But she has no business or financial background, other than amazingly accumulating nearly 100 million dollars since leaving the White House, while working primarily as a public official and heading a non-profit foundation. Trump, on the other hand has built an International business empire. He owns and operates some of the world's most premium resort and business properties. He has interests on several continents, and has negotiated contracts with all variety of governments and cultures. He has interests in multiple industries from food, travel, sports, entertainment and publishing, and is considered a genius in branding. He has operated his companies with thousands of employees, all over the globe, but primarily in the multicultural and politically diverse milieu of New York. He has successfully navigated every extreme form of political regimes known to America, from Dinkins to Bloomberg, Cuomo to Giuliani to Pitaki to de Blasio, Trump has thrived. So along comes critics, George Will for example, who says the idea that an outsider should even consider running for the presidency, would ruin the delicate balance of our representative style government, wreck our ability to lead the world, to preserve the peace and to provide security and an environment conducive to economic expansion and improved opportunity for everyone on the planet. Aren't those the exact qualities we were promised eight years ago? How has that worked out? The question is, if that were true, why are millions of people so anxious to see Trump succeed at 'Making America Great Again?' Trump is telling anyone who will listen that our leaders are not doing their job. That in fact, they are incompetent and dangerous. Sometimes, within a family, the hardest thing one member can do, is to tell another member that their behaviour is out of line. During an intervention, that individual is not going to roll over and quietly give in, because they are so much a part of the problem, so consumed by their disease, they must be given a push by someone close, someone willing to risk their relationship, in order to save them from themselves. Someone with a lot of gaul. Trump is recommending an intervention, and the career politicians, the embedded establishment of autocrats in Washington, don't want to hear it. They are so invested, no, addicted to the beltway bureaucracy, to the power and control they have become so comfortable wielding, that they don't know, or at least refuse to admit, that they are sick and out of control. November 8th is the day. Can we see this through? |
January 2025