Unless you have been living under a rock for the past half a century, you must understand how the left disrespects your intelligence. Since the Palestinian terrorist's slaughter and torture of Israeli athletes in Munich in 1972, right up to the recent riots and clashes between extremists groups in Charlottesville and Boston, the violence has always been fostered by leftist anarchists.
But leftists, or as they prefer to be called today, the Progressives, think we aren't paying attention, so not only do they think we are dumb, but lazy too. They don't think we know what's going on. Admittedly, it is getting harder to stay informed, but if there is a demographic that will keep trying, it is conservatives who cherish the legacy and traditions of Americanism. If you look at the mainstream media, and how so many supposed popular leaders are buying the lie that all of this civil unrest and domestic terrorism is coming from the 'alt-right' you would have to conclude that anyone who considers themselves conservative, is a bigoted racist neanderthal. But, I bet you cannot name one major incident where there has been loss of life, police deaths or even mass arrests, that was directed by skinheads, neo-Nazis or any other white supremacist organizations. Mainly because they have such miniscule support, but also because they are not as revolutionary in spirit. Don't point to the Oklahoma State Building bombing. That was one crazy, angry and psychopathic dude. I am talking about organized protest groups that end up creating death and mayhem, burning business, beating up bystanders, burning flags and turning over police cars, and attacking officers of the law. Then look at all of the stuff going on college campuses where one professor ordered a special escape door put into the back of his office so he could escape when the enraged progressive students came hunting for anyone who was not in alignment with their anti-fascist fascism. Today's rioting and violence is coming exclusively from the left. When you get Sanders supporters, Occupy Wall Street and Black Lives Matter and other racially motivated minority groups forming an alliance, toss in the incredibly upset and angry Clinton democrats who had their Queen denied her throne, you have an explosive formula of angry activists that show no respect for our election processes, for law enforcement practices, or for private property rights. And they cannot stand to have their cause marginalized, especially by someone they regard as a "Reality TV Show Host.' Back in the sixties, seventies and eighties, it was the Baader-Meinhof Group, a far left movement of outright anarchists. Germany was also undergoing vast social upheaval, industrialization and conflicts over racism, women's liberation and anti-imperialism, all calling cards of leftist politics. The Meinhof Gang became a cause celeb, romanticizing the outlaws as social justice warriors. There were charges that the East German Stasi ( a paramilitary group supported by the East German communist government) lent substantial financial and logistical support to the killers. The underlying motives for the hostage taking, the destruction of government property including statues and buildings, was nearly identical to the stated causes of today's ANTIFA or Occupy Wall Street anarchists. Many young people in that era felt disenfranchised from job opportunity, and from integration into West German and greater European capitalist society. Just as the newly freed East Germans, who were then suddenly competing with the West Germans for jobs, many young people today feel like the deck is stacked against them. Sound familiar? Apologists for radical Islamic terrorist make the same claims. If only the world's resources were more equally distributed, everything would be copacetic. Now our youth are being taught at major universities and even at high school levels, that causing disruption and violence is a socially just way of restoring what leftists claim are rights and respect that has been denied to blacks since the civil war ended. That white privilege is by default 'a crime against humanity' so whatever it takes to focus attention on their cause is justifiable. Imagine if anti-abortionist took the same position, that killing abortion providers is justified. (Of course that has happened, but in very few cases were they coodinated attacks on abortion clinics). In Charlottesville, the media has conflated Neo Nazis and Skinheads as right wing Nationalists, and racist white supremacists who want to impose 'law and order' by building a new SS of federal troops. But this ignores the long history of Naziism. Remember, Hitler named his movement the National Socialist German Workers Party. Like all leftists, he failed to mention that he would also be a totalitarian president of his war loving, imperialist regime. That he would exterminate people who didn't conform or that were not of Aryan descent. So beware of the simpletons who get their history from watching Marvel 'Avenger' or Guy Fawkes 'V For Vendetta' movies. The left ( i.e., academia, Hollywood, the DNC and much of the new media conglomerates, Facebook, Google, Snapchat) has made it their business to dumb down young people, and much of the baby boomer generation has simply had it too good. America is vulnerable because we have stopped being serious about the effort it takes to protect our multicultural, ubiquitous experiment in individual freedom and responsibility, and forgotten how much our geo-political opponents want to destroy it. Fighting for freedom and social egalitarianism is a never ending journey and hard decisions have to be made along the way. The war over health care is a microcosm of the conflict between generations and the inability of much of our population to think critically about the long term ramifications of giving the government total control over your health, or worse, over what you know. |
January 2025