I don't get it. There is a public uproar over the discovery of Top Secret documents in and around the private spaces of Joe Biden. People on both sides of the political aisle are suggesting "this is serious"! There are suggestions that this "controversy" may cause Biden to withdraw from running for a second "term". Though most of the documents are over 5 years old, and were found sitting pretty much out in the open, some Republicans are comparing the way the Justice Department and the media are treating this as a "double standard" after the FBI raided Trump's residence using heavy armor and swat team tactics, for documents that the former President had already declassified (as Presidents are legally empowered to do). Now some Democrats are calling for a Justice Department "investigation" of Biden and his careless handling of highly secret materials. And some are suggesting this entire episode is just another underground effort to push Kamala Harris into the Oval Office. What bothers me is that all of this is just another psyop. It is a purposeful obfuscation to distract everyone from the real injustice. The real crime of treason. The most complex and sophisticated non-wartime military operation and political revolution in the history of mankind. The complete and utter usurpation of legitimacy of the 2020 Presidential election. For two years the Biden administration has been focused on covering up the COVID19 biowarfare attack, and the resulting coordinated government offensive to undermine the economy, the elections, and the regular operations of the rule of law. It is happening to some degree or another, all over the world, but it has manifested itself with a total and complete coup d'etat in Washington DC. Why are citizens so upset about actions of a bumbling old man, when the evidence is overwhelming that that bumbling old man is nothing other than a Sock Puppet whose sole reason for being is to keep the public distracted from the implementations of Far Leftist Progressives to establish the final beachhead for Communist Rule across the North and South American continents. One by one the Communists are taking down any semblance of populace governments: Venezuela, Nicaragua, Brasil, Argentina, Chile, Peru, Bolivia and of course the Mafia State of Mexico. We can look northward to Canada and see how entrenched the leftists are, and how Premier Trudeax has completely ignored the will of the people and the rule of law. America is the Last Republic Standing. We Americans are too easily distracted, too preoccupied by work and entertainment, to see the forest for the trees. We have been overwhelmed by Media Gaslighting to see what is so obvious: This administration is completely incompetent to run a nation. They have trashed the economy, our schools, our manufacturing and any trust we had left in our healthcare system. And they are fostering a climate of lawlessness, social unrest and anti-Americanism. For the Far Left Progressive Jihad to be successful they must keep the illusion alive that America is still a Democratic Republic, where the will of the people rules. As long as that public image persists, they will push for reordering everything about our country that is American. Just as Progressives insist on redefining much of the English language to normalize everything from "Race Riots" (Peaceful Protests) to "Child Abuser" (Minor Attracted Person), they have redefined the right to vote. Now, that embodies unsigned ballots, votes by illegal immigrants, felons and dead people, votes that are cast after the election, and ballot harvesting. Not to mention voting machines that are connected to the internet despite laws forbidding such dangerous opportunities for corruption. Federal institutions aren't even pretending to be "transparent" anymore. They are single mindedly concerned with maintaining the illusion that the Sock Puppet is a legitimate political leader. A true leader who has the best interests of America and Americans as his sole motivation. And now they are actively categorizing the opposition as "terrorists". The most important, and dangerous issue before Americans has to be the reality that our government institutions are in the hands of hijackers. That America is under siege and every aspect of our heritage, our freedoms and rights, are currently in a suspended state of animation. |
January 2025