The three most important issues in America today:
>Suspects being held illegally in Washington charged with alleged "crimes" committed in January 2020. How can a nation with a Bill of Rights, which promises “no person shall be … deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law” allow such an injustice to continue? This is a criminal act perpetrated by the Hijackers in the White House to cover for their Crime of the Century. >The Washington Military Industrial Fraternity is pending taxpayer funds to support an undeclared war in a foreign country. Our government has sent nearly $50 billion to help a foreign country to enforce their borders! While ours are being overrun by nearly 5 million unvetted, and sometimes criminal invaders. >The destruction of the Nord Stream Pipeline is an act of war no less serious than Pearl Harbor. In fact, the results may end up being the same. America has depleted its oil reserves and shut down its energy, food and medical supply production capabilities, while China and Russia are lining up their resources to replace the dollar as the foundation of worldwide trade. Leftist Democrats and Republicans-In-Name-Only are operating a laundering scheme perpetuated by their insane spending. While keeping the electorate focused on misdirection stunts and perceptual illusions, they are skimming cash from the transfer of the wealth of our nation. |
January 2025