I get the impression the people of Crimea, and the Russian people in general, are moving in our direction, politically.
Odd, huh? What I mean by that is that coming from a top down, dictatorial socialist bureaucracy toward a more liberal semi-market driven economic system, the Ruskies are still very much a nanny state. But, slowly but surely, the people are learning from digital communications that it is OK to want to wear unique clothing, to style your hair or to be gay. But when asked about the fact that Putin is annexing their democratic country by use of overwhelming force, Crimean’s say they are grateful, and can hardly wait to be re-subjugated. They sound like a bunch of children who miss their mommy. America, on the other hand, is moving more in the direction of the failed Soviet Union. Remember, “We pretend to work, and they pretend to pay us?” As more and more unfilled jobs fall into the category of ‘work Americans refuse to do,’ and the middle class dwindles, America is rapidly becoming the American Socialist Republic. We have leveraged our money under the suffocating weight of foreign debt to the degree that at some point, the US dollar may just become imaginary. Many Americans disdain work. Jobs are split between low wage, low skill, low pay service industries and high tech, high paying jobs requiring highly specialized skills. There simply are few middle class, high wage but not-so-skilled jobs like Detroit auto assembly positions that lasted for a career. As the low information voter in America demonstrates a growing need for big government services and protections, more and more Americans are OK with giving up freedoms in exchange for financial and social support systems like food stamps, healthcare subsidies, and redistribution of wealth by government fiat. What is so counter-intuitive is that as the digital revolution increases access to historical information exponentially, the lessons of the past seem to be ignored. Both societies, Russian and American, insist on repeating the fails of previous generations, all the while patting themselves on the back for being so ‘enlightened.’ |
January 2025