Democrats and their enablers in the FrankenMedia want to paint Trump as a retrograde, out-of-touch political hack that can't accept his election rejection in 2020. They constantly harp on his claims that the election was rigged as proof that he is delusional and self absorbed. To any objective viewer, that approach predisposes that Biden supporters have the undisputed truth about the 2020 election process. That it was, as some have claimed, the most effective and accurate election in American history. But opposing evidence is piling up:
During the recent CNN Town Hall interview with Trump, moderator Kaitlan Collins rudely persisted in talking over him, "Will you state right now, that you accept the 2020 election as legitimate?" She asked the same question, in one form or another, over and over, never allowing him to explain his reasoning. Then she insisted that by not answering her loaded questions, he was indirectly saying he would not. What he essentially said was, "at this point the solution to the problem, the unknown facts about election integrity, is to win the 2024 election decisively", then go about fixing the problems with our election system. The FrankenMedia approach is to discredit and disregard his "rigged" rhetoric, because they cannot allow any more serious investigations into ballot harvesting, ballot box stuffing, counterfeiting of ballots and illegal vote casting by phantom or dead voters. They have to shut down any exposure of the various voting anomalies and condemn anyone that doubts the legitimacy of the Biden-Harris election as "rightwing conspiracy theorists". Trump has wisely decided that he can only cheer on election investigations. As a candidate, his only path to redemption is winning, again. The public may not ever agree that the 2020 election was rigged, but they can agree on the unsettling results. That making America work right again will happen only if the results of the 2020 election are stopped in their tracks. Maybe not by the courts, or the military, but by the electorate. Making America Work Right Again can only happen if the 2020 election results are reversed, even if that means waiting four years for a new administration. Most Democrats are never going to be convinced that Trump won, but surveys show many have concerns about the integrity of the process. They may regret voting for the doddering old man and his totally unqualified partner, but they cannot ever admit publicly that their party cheated. Never! So why spend too much valuable time rehashing that unwinnable argument? Better to simply win the next contest outright. Trump can bring back some of those alienated women voters who have realized that Democrats care more about men dressed like women than real women. And those soccer moms who resent being characterized as homophobic because they don't want men showering with their girl athletes in the gymnasium or destroying the integrity of women's sports. Bring in parents who resent being told decisions about medication and life-changing operations are not their domain. Win over independent truck drivers that are being forced to trash their $100K diesel fueled rigs because according to Democrats, they aren't "Green" enough. And the millions of energy industry professionals that have had their careers derailed by the relentless assault on fossil fuels. Win the votes of college graduates who feel betrayed by Biden forgiving college loans they worked hard to pay off. Win over liberals who are pissed off watching their communities be overrun with homelessness and fentanyl. Continue to build on the surge of Black Trump supporters that recognize how Democrat policies keep them on a proverbial plantation. Many of the Trump-reluctant RHINOs in the GOP are witness to the precipitous decline in our quality of life and now understand how critical it is to win back Congress and the White House, and that their best chance to Make America Work Right Again, is to make 2024 a Trump Landslide. |
January 2025