![]() "Somebody riddle me this! I got a question for you. For all of your virtue signaling and vandalizing property, what have you accomplished?" -- Brandon Tatum As the nation reels from the horrific and brutal death of George Floyd, and rioting and looting spreads across the country, we all have to ask ourselves what can we do to fix the problem of police mistreatment of minorities? We are seeing the usual litany of outrage from Hollywood and sports celebrities like Labron James, screaming about "What is it going to take?" before white people understand why blacks live in a constant state of fear. Many "woke" blacks, like Malcome Jenkins, attack whites that have been their partners in business (Drew Breeze) suggesting they still don't "get it" and can never get it, simply because of the color of their skin. Besides being a blatantly racist concept in itself, the "woke"movement continues to sweep the country and inspire young blacks to embrace activist groups like Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA. The question Brandon Tatum asks is still unanswered. For over fifty years, America has struggled with civil rights issues and clashing racial stereotypes. We have passed miles of legislation, contributed hours of volunteerism to help poor neighborhoods, schools and churches, donated millions to foundations, college scholarships and food distribution, and devoted large portions of our school curricula to progressive ideas about fairness, compassion and tolerance, and supported media campaigns to present people of color in their own words, pleading for us to release them from decades of hatred and discrimination. Generations of whites signal their virtue by lambasting those they perceive as "unconcerned" about the American legacy of slavery and racial animosity. And based on their own assessment, what have we accomplished? What are the demonstrators and vandals accomplishing with their temper tantrums of violence and looting? Unfortunately the answer to those questions are never really addressed. Why? Because there are no real answers to social issues that are reflective of our human condition. Unless or until we find a way to create flawless human beings, we will have elements of hatred and racism in a certain percentage of people. That is why humans, for the most part, practice their religion. To help themselves to help others to be better people to each other. That kind of real change for the better doesn't come from intimidation and bullying. It doesn't come from stealing from your neighbor or smack talk. It has to come from each individual looking inside and coming to terms with themselves and their maker. Marching towards inner peace, not demanding peace from others. Real change comes from within. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YVIhRvkT8kg&feature=youtu.be |
January 2025