It has to be clear to any interested observer that the 4th estate is no longer a news media. There are a few organizations that actually report the news, but overall, what used to be a revered and important part of a free society has been totally corrupted. It is painful to see such a vital and transformative institution shredded by politically driven ideologues. There is absolutely no shame in their obvious propaganda to assure the reelection of another politician that is owned and coopted by multinational corporations pushing for a one-world, borderless and globalist government. Remember the Clarence Thomas fiasco where he was accused of 'sexual harassment'? He called it a "high-tech lynching." Substitute the name Trump, and you have history repeating itself. Since the civil war, Democrats have used any means necessary to DESTROY their philosophical opponents, and the history is undeniable. All of the charges are racial, sexual, or involve he-said she-said accusations that are virtually unprovable but leave deep scars of innuendo. And all attacks are aimed at conservatives. In the meantime, liberals give accolades to their political affiliates who are charged with similar violations of impropriety: Clinton, Weiner, Frank, Jackson Jr., Hart, Kennedy, Mel Reynolds and others were given kid glove treatment, where the press rationalized their indiscretions as 'personal matters'. This is so antithetical to every tenant of the constitution of the United States, yet using the power of academia to inculcate our youth in Marxist ideology, who then move up into the halls of justice, of journalism and of government, and by memorializing their leftist agenda via media manipulation of the news and the language of reporting, we are witnessing the actualization of what George Orwell predicted in his precedent book '1984'. Watch any network present a report on our nations election, and what you get is 'newspeak'. The dismemberment of the language of truth telling smells rancid because we are witnessing the Death of Journalism. America has been suffering chest pains for over a year now. It has gotten so bad, the doctors have scheduled an operation for November 8th. The patient is limping along hoping to make it that long, keeping a defibrillator nearby just in case. The doctors point to high anxiety, social unrest, inexplicable mass murder, rampant homelessness, joblessness and poverty, drug dependency, gender conflict, and a world awash in chaos, among other symptoms. Dr. Frankenstein thinks that the patient, this giant assemblage of parts and pieces of disparate races and creeds, is approaching a debilitating stroke or even death and must undergo invasive surgery as soon as possible. Can America survive this operation? Will America ever be the same after this contentious, divisive and destructive election campaign? It seems like some of the slanderous claims and counterclaims have left scars too deep to heal. The metastasizing disease has been so insidious and detrimental that many other organs are suffering, unable to perform their duties. Our schools, our military operations, our veterans, law enforcement and health services are being compromised. The news media, even our entertainment organs are morphing into propaganda machines, so people don't know who to trust anymore. Our populace, if you listen to the candidates, is made up of racists, bigoted homophobes, angry old white men clinging to bibles and guns, and are xenophobic fear mongers, religious zealots and degenerate welfare bandits, corrupt political hacks, sociopathic lone wolves and meat eating animal haters. And we are all going to the polls in November to see who should be in charge of who. It sounds like a movie screenplay by Tim Burton or Mel Brooks, but it is the process of sorting out what direction the most powerful force on the face of the earth will go, so the angry villagers around the world will know that the giant lives and everything is going to be OK. Maybe. When election day comes, many of us will be spending it in bar, trying to anesthetize away our pain. And when the inauguration day comes next January, if the patient survives, the results of Dr. Frankenstein's work will take the oath of office. I have a prediction, the next President of the United States will be Abby Normal. During the next debate, Trump can sit on the fastball, make Hillary throw a strike, then hit it out of the park. Here's a preview.... Clinton: Mr. Trump, you avoided paying your fair share of taxes and therefore don't support government funded military needs, infrastructure, schools and social services. Trump: Are you suggesting that any American that plays by the rules of the IRS and takes a legal tax deduction is not a patriot? Is that what you are saying? Be careful, because that attitude insults even more Americans than those you have already characterized as 'deplorable.' I would argue that any citizen who doesn't take advantage of the rules about paying your taxes is not someone who could handle the demands of running the largest business in the world, the United States of America. Clinton: Mr. Trump doesn't have the temperament to have his finger on the trigger of our nuclear instruments of mass destruction. Trump: In our history, the Democrats have made that same argument about every Republican candidate. Whether it was George Bush, Ronald Reagan, Barry Goldwater or Richard Nixon. With Bush, Reagan, and Nixon we discovered that that claim was untrue. In fact, right after 911, polls showed that over 90% of Americans felt President Bush had handled the attack with calm assurance and strong leadership. Now Democrats, trying to rewrite history, use terms like 'Cowboy' to disparage former President Bush. I would argue that during Bush's two terms, after 911, we suffered zero attacks on our homeland. Under the current Democratic regime, and much of that under the poor leadership of Mrs. Clinton and her heir apparent Secretary of State John Kerry's foreign policy, there have been no less than one attack per month! Clinton: How can a man who disparages women, who calls Mexicans rapists, and who praises the leadership abilities of Vladimir Putin be put in charge of the world's most powerful nation? Any one who can't tell the difference between dictatorship and leadership should never become our president. Trump: A candidate who allows their supporters to misrepresent their opponent, to manipulate quotes and to mangle the facts is too weak of character to stand strong against the world's bullies. I would refer to the total capitulation on the Iran Nuclear Agreement that you supported. The Iranian regime bullied you and Secretary Kerry into submission, getting everything they wanted. As for my temperament, I stand on the example of the character of my family, my business success and the thousands of my company's employees representing a broad range of gender, races and religions that I have supported for nearly fifty years. They know who I am, and you don't see any of them lining up to denounce me. I have been a public figure my whole life. I have worked with Republicans and Democrats, with blacks and hispanics, with Muslims and Jews for decades. Nobody characterized me as a racist or bigot until I became the leader of a movement that threatens to disrupt the bureaucratic aristocracy of the Washington establishment. Clinton: You have no solutions. All you do is state platitudes about being 'Great Again' and 'Winning.' But there is no 'there' there. How can people trust you to actually do what you say you will do? Trump: I set the bar very high. I don't say I will make America good again. I say 'Great Again'. I will put the right people in the right positions to excel. I will put our citizens, our American brothers and sisters, and our nation's interests first. When I go into a negotiation to acquire the rights to build a new project, I don't tell my competition all the specifics of just how we will meet the challenge. I believe America's leaders need to do a better job of protecting our assets, our strategies and how we intend to accomplish our goals. In the political world talk is cheap. In the business world performance is all that matters. In my world, results are the measurement of success. I have a strong record of exceeding expectations, of adding great value, and building long term coalitions throughout the world. I will lead by example, I will build coalitions, and we will do a much better job of protecting our nation's assets and values. Mrs. Clinton has, on the other hand, had zero experience in hiring people, other than lawyers of course. She has never had to submit a balance sheet, or to manage the construction of incredibly complex buildings in foreign countries, where the rules and regulations and the challenges of dealing with conflicting cultures can quickly shut you down. She has no history of coming in under budget, because all she has ever done is spend taxpayers money. Her effort to redesign our healthcare system was a total disaster. So when I hear her surrogates say she is the most prepared person to ever run for President, I am insulted. I am offended by the dismissal of the track records of hundreds of former candidates of both parties. But enough of that. My point is that unless you have been living under a rock for the past fifty years, it is obvious that I am imminently qualified to run the biggest and most complex business in the world, the United States of America. And I promise you, I will make America Great Again! In my book I note how critical it is that our schools instill a sense of pride and patriotism in our American children. Unfortunately, many younger parents, being by- products of the subordination of our public schools to radical leftists over the past 30 years, hold hostile views of Americanism. As they hold teaching and administrative positions in the union captive school systems, pressure has been brought to bear to forsake anything that smacks of nationalism, and now we have to allow students to 'opt out' of pledging their allegiance to the country that gives them the freedom and rights to be so selfish.
This is not just avoiding the phrase 'under God,' this is ignoring the concept of 'allegiance.' From the Pledge of Allegiance, to the National Anthem, atheists, socialists and globalists want to remove all elements of patriotism from our elementary and middle schools. This is why we have a movement of narcissists like Colin Kaepernick choosing to turn the spotlight on themselves so they can make headlines to elevate their personal unhappiness with societal shortcomings. Wake up friends! This is not paranoia, it is an assault on our culture and our way of life, and those who would transform our egalitarian nation into a socialist state of lowest common denominator PC zombies, are using our children as leverage in their dirty war to sabotage Americanism. |
January 2025