I keep hearing the lament that the rest of the world hates America and what it stands for. The apologists claim America is the largest supporter of human rights abuses, that our international corporations exploit the poor for cheap labor and disproportionately use the world’s resources for pure profit.
What I don’t hear is any real self examination. We Boomers and our now college educated children who do the complaining seem to suffer memory loss when it comes to taking responsibility for the world’s view of America. If you accept the premise that America is a gigantic demon, then we Baby Boomers are the chief architects of that condition, aren’t we? After all, the Baby Boomer Generation started in 1944. That was nearly 70 years ago! How much time do we need to fix things? We like to take credit for longevity, youth culture, and our extensive influence on the entertainment industry, sexual liberation, multiculturalism, high-tech achievements and other so-called cultural contributions to the modern world. Politically, college educated Boomers and our prodigy are pretentious and condescending. We claim to be ‘open-minded’ but in reality are dismissive of opposing opinions, unwilling to even discuss what we classify as ‘extreme’ or ‘ignorant.’ Those who hold religious beliefs are ‘bigoted’ and if you support self reliance you are ‘selfish.’ Many Boomers call themselves ‘Progressive’ while ignoring any evidence that conflicts with their self-ordained dogma. Media pundits complain about people who divide the world into black and white categories, who see things in absolutes. Yet they have no shame in belittling and categorizing conservatives as ‘Homophobes’ or ‘racists.’ Demographics indicate overwhelmingly we Boomers and our children have a problem committing to and maintaining traditional marriage, so how can society expect us to make life and death decisions, such as fighting wars or executing terrorists? Progressives demonstrate against the death penalty, but overwhelmingly support abortion. They are international isolationists, preferring to ‘stay out of other’s business.’ Yet they vote to make smoking illegal in your own home! Most of us are very conflicted, but we will never admit it. Boomers equivocate. Championing the theory of ‘Moral Equivalency’ makes moral confusion a lot easier to rationalize. After all, the Beatles classic Let It Be defined the whole Boomer Generation, right? In reality, they don’t let it be. Our generation is constantly reinventing basic institutions such as marriage, family structure, and gender identity. We act like everyone who came before us just fell off the turnip truck. Though Boomers invented the psychiatrist’s couch, we are reluctant to subjugate ourselves to it. The doctor might say ‘Own up! Accept responsibility for your own condition!’ |
January 2025