(An excerpt from my eBook "f'd: For Your Own Good)
Currently, we are witnessing the Deep Fake phenomenon that makes it impossible to believe anything we see in the news, on social media or even in our email. Editing and faking all forms of public discourse is a new tactic to control open discussion and the fair exchange of ideas. I have noticed a common theme, however. As the technology of communications has exploded, and the ability to influence large numbers of unsuspecting media consumers has also expanded exponentially, there is a pattern emerging. Notice how many of the events that undermine political momentum seem to occur under Republican administrations? Nixon was sailing along when suddenly Watergate upset the applecart. Then Reagan was close to successfully winning line item veto power and conveniently he was caught up in a massive scandal involving supporting an anti-Communist insurgency in Nicaragua. After his surprising win in 2016, President Trump was reeling off campaign promise successes, one after another. Prominent Democrats admitted, if something major didn't interfere, Trump would easily win reelection. Voila! A Worldwide Pandemic happened! I can't help but wonder if our own intelligence community, the CIA in particular, isn't somehow behind so many of our nation's most critical transformational moments. They have the resources because their budgets are secretive and they have the power to confiscate "evidence" or simply steal cash and resources from criminals they pursue. They are playing a game the majority of people on Earth simply cannot comprehend. Why would I suggest the the CIA would necessarily prefer Democratic regimes? Well, think about that for a moment. Democrats are the Party of Big Government. They are essentially a government ponzi scheme operator. And who operates as the Godfather of that Crime Family? I would argue that the Media Cabal is the left arm, and the DNC is the right arm. The CIA is the Head of the Beast. It is the nerve center, the omniscient know-it-all brains of the operation. Like any Godfather, the CIA keeps their distance from the everyday machinations. They assume a posture of plausible deniability. But they are pulling the strings manipulating the Puppet Masters. And like any Crime Family, things can get messy. But keeping everybody in line, manipulating the information streams to the degree that digital technology now allows, keeping the narrative consistent, the news cycle positive, managing the public's emotions with strategic Red Flag diversions, and mastefully controlling the war on personal destruction, the CIA and their massive team of consiglieres across media, academia, unions and political parties have control of the flight plan. I believe they put Joe Biden in the Cockpit of America. |
January 2025