Since 911, Americans have been acting like spectators at a football game. The teams are marching up and down the field, sometimes scoring, sometimes not. George Bush thought he had won the first phase of the war when he announced on May 1, 2003, "In the Battle of Iraq, the United States and our allies have prevailed." But the Global Cabal wasn't done yet. They decided right then and there that the Battle For America was going to have to be fought once and for all because the arrogance shown by Republican President George Bush was unacceptable. He wasn't going to simply declare America the victor. Not now, not ever. The New World Order decided it was time to reset the players at the table. So they pushed the issue of Weapons of Mass Destruction and how the whole Iraq War was based on a false flag. They effectively gaslighted Bush, turning him into a Globalist after the Deep State made him realize his legacy was in their hands. They perpetuated another eight years of the Iraq War and then trolled Obama into the Afganistan Quicksand War pitting our armed forces against a ghost army of Jihadi gangs, funded by anti-American global interests. They set up The Big Game, the Super Bowl of World Power. Like Bush, but coming from the opposite perspective, Obama came into power dangling from the Puppet Strings of the Progressive Jihad, the enforcers of the New World Order. He was the product of a trend toward Marxism that was the result of three generations of Labor Union and Marxist infiltration of our schools. He also came to power with an arrogant contempt for American exceptionalism, and a brash absence of interest or knowledge of world affairs. He was, however, the poster child for the image of racial inclusion, of youthful vigor and the feminization of men. Obama was the Washington Redskin's Doug Williams of modern American politics. In this analogy, Bush threw just enough interceptions to handcuff the Republicans in the 2008 election. This was the opening sequence in the Big Game, or perhaps we should properly characterize it as World War III, because it involves every country in the world in a struggle to control the governments and the resources required to fuel the economies of the world. To feed the people of the world. To house and preserve the living standards of the world. To control the population of the world. In that first quarter of The Big Game, just after September 11, 2001, Americans were pretty content to watch what looked like a good game. But the opposition, a team with no uniform and no hometown, using the weapons Senior Bush left behind in Kuwait and Iraq during Operation Desert Storm, was using a new offense to score points. They called it the Asymmetrical Offense, where the defense had no idea where the next play was going to occur. They started an international assault on innocent victims, using high powered rifles in public venues, homemade bombs, large truck hijackings and kidnappings of women and children. Suddenly a somewhat boring defensive game exploded with action, literally. The evening news was filled with mayhem, public executions and film footage of Toyota trucks full of heavily armed maniacs overrunning towns in Africa and the Far East. New Blue Hat quarterback Barack Obama dealt with the changing momentum by ignoring it. He had the complacent and complicit media accuse anyone who pointed out how poorly the game was being played as Islamaphobic extremists. The Obama Team suggested that the real threat to American security was the guys wearing White Hats. He ignored the increasingly violent street violence of Occupy Wall Street, Black Lives Matter and numerous other far left "protestors" that were burning down businesses and assaulting white people peacefully eating dinner at outdoor restaurants. Bush had left Obama with a convenient player incentive: His Red Team owners, Big Business, and their consortium of banks and real estate mogul General Managers, had run up trillions in unfunded investment schemes that suddenly collapsed, leading to the Great Recession of 2007. That was just one of many fundamental offensive mistakes that the Blue Hats exploited by passing billions of cash bailouts and subsidies to save the US economy from total collapse. Boy, the Democrats do get lucky, don't they? Just when all else fails, they get a chance to grab power, redistribute resources, and entrench their allies with taxpayer handouts, while making themselves look like Fairy Godfathers. So they racked up a sizable lead. Just when the fans were getting restless after watching Obama throw one interception after another, and the first string players continued to flounder, the front office turned to Hillary Clinton for help. She could, even under such difficult times, deliver another weapon that would ensure their reelection: The Female Voter! The White Hats had little to offer. Their bench players were retreads from another era. Jeb Bush was George II, and of the other 15 candidates, none seemed ready to stimulate the offense which was essentially dead under the Obama Era Republican Congress. A procession of uninspiring Republican quarterbacks were trotted out, only to go three and out. As an analogy for American politics, football is an exercise in understanding where we were going to take our Constitutional Republic into the next Century. In 2015, it looked like Hillary was going to pull the Red Hats together, play prevent defense while the tribal wars in the Middle East continued to metastasize, and just play out the clock. This strategy was good for the Global Football League. It would help them grow into more populated markets, secure cheaper players and expand their advertising revenue streams. But it made for uninspiring football games. So many fans went to the snack bar to fetch another beer. Then, seemingly out of nowhere, the Red Hats ran a new quarterback out onto the field. He sort of sauntered out there, wearing a sparkling clean uniform like he had never practiced a day in his life. As he stood in the huddle, the crowd started to buzz. There was a new sense of energy in the stadium. After he called for an unexpected timeout, he sent a few of the players back to the bench and waved on replacements. He motioned for them to hustle, then realigned the huddle, forming two lines facing him as he faced the opposition team. This was something different all right. This guy was taking a new tack altogether. He was conducting a Hail Mary Offense! On his very first play he had the entire offensive line shift over to the extreme right side of the field. Only he and the center remained at the ball. The defense was caught off guard. They scrambled to cover, but obviously had not prepared for this formation. For the next several minutes in the fourth quarter, the Red Hats started moving the ball. Up and down the field, each time they got possession of the ball, they scored. With only a few minutes left in the game, they were still down by a touchdown. But it did look like they had the momentum. They were in control of the game but the defense was adjusting to their new quarterback. They switched to a "kill the quarterback formation", overloading the offensive line giving themselves a free shot at blasting the Red Hats playmaker, hoping to take him out before he could pull out a victory. The fans were going crazy! The situation was tense, the stadium was rocking! After several decades of watching listless football, and over-officiated games that seemed slow and unsatisfying, the fans were finally getting the kind of football they craved! Innovation, wide open offense, displays of athleticism, and scoring out of the wazoo! The Red Hats had the ball, they were down by a field goal and inside the Red Zone. Football enthusiasts couldn't ask for anything more than this! But suddenly the Blue Hats sacked the quarterback, pushing the offense back ten yards. In seconds, he got up, brushed off his uniform, rushed his team to the line, took a direct snap and scrambled inside the five yard line! Before the Red Hats could run another play, the lights went out in the stadium. The announcer came over the loudspeaker and told everyone to go home. The electrical outage was serious and in order to avoid chaos, the fans would be ushered out one section at a time. Police and ushers flooded the aisles. Fans were told that the game had been called a tie, because it could not be rescheduled until proper repairs could be conducted. It caused a riot! Fans were pissed! There were skirmishes with police and fights broke out. What had been a fun, exciting and invigorating evening of football turned into an ugly nightmare. Hundreds of fans were arrested for disorderly behavior. A few were sent to nearby hospitals with injuries. The next day the paper said it was the Red Hats quarterback that started all of the commotion and an arrest warrant had been issued. He would be charged with inciting a riot… No one ever asked why the lights went out. |
January 2025