(Editors Note: I will repost this piece every time another hostage is beheaded)...
When commenting on the recent beheading of Japanese citizen Haruna Yukawa, our President should have said... "Let me be clear; the subhuman terrorists who did this are now walking dead. They will not get away with these barbaric, uncivilized war crimes. Period. As President of the United States of America and the Commander-in-Chief of our Military, I will not tolerate using Americans as props for sick Jihadist propaganda. I am putting you on notice that the clock is ticking. Starting now, you are Dead Men. You will be extinguished, either sooner or later. You can start counting your days now, because you will be dead soon. In our country, because we are civilized and compassionate, not all States enforce the Death Penalty. But, in reaction to uncivilized acts of war crimes, acts that are clearly committed as acts of pure terrorism, that have no concern for the innocence of the victims, we will circumvent the conventions of criminal justice procedures. We consider these circumstances as the actions of war. The opportunity to stop and submit these incidents to the conventions of street crimes is not an effective or strategic option. We will react to these war crimes as though we are engaged in the theater of war. It is either us or you, at this moment, and I am telling you what the result is going to be. We reserve the right to protect our innocent citizens from war crimes, and to suppress any agents of terror who are directly involved with those actions. We don't accept the torture and murder of our citizens as a political act. It is an act of war. Period. It is no different than taking a member of our military hostage; We don't distinguish between citizen hostages and military hostages. We don't leave anyone behind, and those that defile, torture or kill our citizens will pay the ultimate price. We will track them down. and hold them, and their brothers-in-arms, responsible. Period.....End of story. As President of the United States of America. I don't have to apologize for America's reputation for fighting to protect and support Freedom, and Justice. Those people who think that we will stand by while they trample human rights, use hostages to gain financial or political advantage, ignore civilized norms of protest and civil disobedience, are living in a bubble of ignorance. I am here to to inform you, America won't stand by and let you use our citizens in your cynical propaganda campaign. We are coming after you right now. We are on a wartime mission. Your life is over, you can count on us, we will kill you soon! Whatever you thought you were going to accomplish with your kidnapping, violence and intimidation, will be terminated soon. Let me be clear, you will not be around to see the end of this Jihad. Justice knows no borders. America is not ever going to be intimidated or deterred. You take one of us, you will pay with your life, and maybe even more. Period. Got it? Think about it....do you really want to 'F' with America? Before you go down that road, you might want to talk to Germany or Japan." |
January 2025