If you came home from vacation and had a sense that something was wrong. That you just knew things were different, and your sixth sense was telling you someone had been in your home while you were gone. You carefully check your valuables, your jewelry and your windows and doors. Nothing appears to be wrong. But as time passes you notice little things appear out of place. The salt and pepper shaker are not where you usually leave them. Then you notice that some outlet plugs that you use to fill outlets to protect children from putting something into them, are missing! OK, maybe you did that, but you can't think of any reason you would have. Then you find a beer bottle cap under the kitchen cabinet toe kick space. It is a Canadian beer. You don't drink beer! Ever! You were gone for 7 days, so it is impossible to remember all of the little details, every image of your living room, kitchen and bedrooms to catch any minor variation. But your subconscious is screaming! The whole place smells a little different. That is something you have never really noticed because people don't generally notice their own odors. This is incredibly disturbing! So what do you do? Is it important to determine that somehow your home's security was breached even though at first glance there has not been any theft. Maybe some teenagers had a house party? Maybe a couple of lovers just wanted a romantic getaway with the added edge of breaking and entering? Do you call the cops? Would they even come out to investigate since you can't report any losses? Hire a private eye? Probably not… What is the point? But the other side of that is can you ever feel safe again if your subconscious keeps reminding you that someone violated your innocence? It is like being raped and having no witnesses, no physical evidence and no suspects. So your choices are limited. This home invasion situation actually happened to me, many years ago. My home is part of my body. It is my sanctuary, and when it was violated, it was extremely personal. People have compared being burgled to being raped. That may be an overreach, but the emotional impact on me was devastating. Now think about this little scenario in light of the 2020 election. Most of us sensed something was wrong. It just smelled rotten. We couldn't prove anything and if we even asked about it, we were shamed and ridiculed. You're just a poor loser! But I still can't shake the sense of violation. The deep concern that everything changed on November 3rd, and I can never trust the system again, until this perversion is revealed and the perps are uncovered. If this rape of the American voting system actually happened, if a large number of dedicated experts worked together to remove a duly elected, sitting President and all of his appointments, initiatives and accomplishments, by coordinating a massive cyber assault across America, then that would require an equally massive response. It would require a military-style counter attack to capture and punish an army of traitors and foreign cyber soldiers. Why? Because anyone that would go to that extreme to simply put one man in the White House has much bigger aspirations. This operation is too complex, too sophisticated, not to mention too risky just to feed a candidate's vanity. Rigging the outcome of a Presidential election is nothing less than an overthrow of our entire system of government. It effectively neutralizes our Republic, and replaces it with a criminal hierarchy. If it actually happened, it is without doubt the biggest act of war ever waged on the North American continent in world history. It would justify a Normandy Beach scaled response. Protecting the innocence of my home is one thing. Protecting the existence of the United States of America is quite another. |
January 2025