You have undoubtedly heard about the TV series Is Orange Is The New Black streaming on Netflix? It is a 'comedy' about how innocent people end up in our prison system, wearing orange, and how that juxtapositions with the minority and female cultural experience of being enslaved by white male privilege.
It raises the question of what is 'The New Normal'? Not a new idea, but it is interesting that in this post Obama era, all we hear about is how everything is being reinvented, reoriented, redefined and rejected. Every traditional convention is dismissed as a remnant of the old, white, male orthodoxy. All of which is condemned to the waste basket of history. As a result of several generations of leftist academic and political indoctrination our country is so politically and culturally divided, we cannot agree on what is white or what is black. When Hillary Clinton's claim on the White House went up in Trumpsmoke, half the population went into dyspeptic hysteria. The 'New Normal' in terms of the language of social discourse is that anyone who voted for Trump had to be a myopic bigot, a misogynist, a homophobe, a Nazi, or at best an imbecile. I guess I am overly sensitive, but does it sound irrational to suggest that half of the citizens of the most advanced society on the planet think the other half are such disgusting cretins? If we were all living in an insane asylum, it might be true that most of us were delusional and unhinged. But in America, where the population is increasingly better educated, healthier, richer and more generous than 99% of the human race, how can half of us have such a low regard for the other half? Especially since for the past eight years, and sixteen out of the past twenty four, liberals have held the highest elected office in our constitutional republic. How is it that half of our citizens have, in the perception of the other half, gone so nuts? If Bill Clinton and Barack Obama were as effective and compassionate as their supporters seem to recollect, how did they preside over such immense political and cultural decay? Clinton has always claimed he was effective at bringing the two sides together. Really? And when Obama, whose entire term was based on the promise of reconciliation, understanding and inclusiveness, leaves office after eight years with the country in social chaos, Progressives scream that any suggestion of returning an element of law and order to inner cities in Detroit or Chicago, is bigoted and unAmerican! I guess the lessons those Progressive leaders taught us didn't sink in, because as I speak, the rhetoric of hate and anger and threats of violence are coming exclusively from the Clinton and Obama side of the political aisle. It is the compassionate liberals that are banning speech, rioting in the streets, and intimidating and attacking anyone who dares to suggest our leaders should support basic rules of civilization like border sovereignty, respect for our laws and those that enforce them, leveling the playing field for international trade, and protecting our treasury from being plundered by allies that turn against us as soon as the money dries up. The 'New Normal' is apparently defined by an inability to empathize, to compromise, to even try to understand anything about those that disagreed with the 'open-minded' left's iconoclastic positions on racism, sexism, Marxism, groupthink and social justice. Their New Normal psychological profile lacks any semblance of introspection. If the left says orange is black or up is down, you better go along or they will boycott your business, restrict your freedom to speak or express opposition, take away your right to possess arms or to speak to or attend institutions of 'higher learning' or to celebrate Christmas or Easter. The chilling effect their intimidation causes is effectively censorship. Liberal commentators and entertainers consistantly vilify and slander our military and our police, and in our schools, activist academics impugn your parenting skills and challenge your children's self identity. They are attacking the definition of gender, of deviancy, of privacy, and even the role of motherhood while marginalizing our culture and history. Our colleges are turning out generation after generation of brown shirt progressives marching in lock step right into the halls of corporate America, especially in the fields of influence like mass communications, entertainment and law. The Progressive Cabal will try to get you fired, shamed, divorced or jailed, if you deviate from the approved dogma. The Progressive New Normal is really just social totalitarianism, under the guise of social justice and gender and racial egalitarianism. Using thier tools of influence, the extremist elements on the left are just beginning their militant attack on your infidelity. Progressive politics is, in it's purest form, Marxism; from each according to his means, to each according to his needs. And when people are forced to comply to it's demands and practices, political correctness is a communist version of Sharia Law. |
January 2025