For the sake of argument, let's assume Mike Lindell's evidence that the 2020 election was corrupted by a coordinated cyber attack on most of our electronic voting systems, is accurate. If so, then I have some very serious questions. The bank was not robbed by one lone wolf, there had to be literally hundreds of participants. The actions required to hack the vote counting process requires many layers of support, of recognizing what and where to hack, and to subsequently hide the evidence that a crime ever even occurred! Therefore, there are dozens of co-conspirators to the Crime Of The Century. We know the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) was the primary functionary. They provided satellite support that no other entity could provide. Combined with the growing evidence that China developed and subsequently released the Corona19 virus, we may have to declare war on China. I believe that was the first offensive measure in the effort to dethrone America. But what about those unidentified co-conspirators? The traitors who participated by offering information and intel, by standing by and enabling acts of war simply because they benefited from the outcome, are no less culpable! As are the many foreign participants that provided logistical support. Do we declare war on countries even if their authorities were unaware of the acts of war their citizens were perpetrating on America? Potentially this would include Italy, Germany and other so-called allies. When we uncover the identities of those criminals, what do we do? Who would be responsible for the commensurate prosecution? It obviously can't be a Grand Jury in Washington! It won't be our Congress, because they have universally rejected the idea of holding anyone other than Donald Trump responsible for either the Pandemic or election. They wanted to impeach Trump over his "seditious and false" claims back in December of 2020. Since the election fraud was orchestrated by a foreign entity, then it has to be considered an act of war, so it seems appropriate that our military should convene a tribunal to handle the situation. But we have seen the Pentagon and the Joint Chiefs of Staff demonstrate their bias about any suggestion that an American election could be fraudulent. They are currently disabusing service members who have shown any willingness to question the elections integrity on social media, going so far as to release them from their enlistment obligations. Some who showed favorable emotions about the previous President, have been subjected to punishment including solitary confinement. It seems to me that a willful disregard of the claims of an attack on our sovereignty is nothing less than dereliction of duty. This raises the question of conflicts of interest within the ranks of our military. Could some of our highest ranking leaders be compromised? Where are their allegiances? They should be leading investigations of both the Covid virus and the cyber assault on American sovereignty. Lindell's intel experts note that any intelligence operation that wasn't asleep at the wheel would have to have known what was happening the night of November 3rd, 2020. That implies that some part of our own special ops were in collusion with, or at least willfully ignoring treason. If we have been hijacked by an outlaw regime, can we trust our military to have our backs? Can they, or more importantly, will they, execute their duties to enforce the legitimacy of our election process? This is very scary because it speaks to the security and integrity in our nation's most critical infrastructure. In a culture of media and political distrust, how will Americans come to understand how serious this is? Do we have to turn to Marshal Law in order to get the people who are illegally in places of power and authority to do right by America? Can a return to pre-election status be achieved without violence? Will we Americans, for only the second time in our 245 year history, have to rely on force to restore order? Because if not, if we cannot expect the proper authorities to track down, arrest and prosecute the bank robbers, the traitors to our Republic, then we don't have a Constitutional Republic anymore. It seems to me our American sovereignty, our citizen directed management system, our free society is like a virgin: Once we lose our innocence, it can never be restored. |
January 2025