Remember when Clinton and Sanders acted outraged when Trump said the election process was rigged, and he might not accept the outcome of the election, unless, of course, he won?
The Democrat talking point was that by even suggesting that the election outcome was illegitimate, Trump was undermining our uniquely free and democratic American election process. They suggested, no they pronounced, that anyone who would not accept the outcome was not patriotic. Of course they were certain at that point that Hillary would win. So here we are, six months after Trump won, and guess what? It is the Democratic Party, the Progressive Movement, and the Deep State that former President Obama put into place during his administration, that are acting unpatriotically and undermining our 275 year-old Democratic Republic! They are doing what Democrats always do when they don't get their way at the voting booth: they use the legal system to bully their way into control. They find sympathetic Judges to place injunctions on legislation or to vacate rulings or initiatives that they don't agree with. They use illegal leaks and the 'Useful Idiot' news media to bombard the public with unsubstantiated charges and unspecified sources, which is essentially propaganda. The appointment of a 'Special Council' to investigate charges that have no basis in fact, is a perfect example of 'Legal Bullying'. They know it is near impossible to disprove innuendo and impossible to prove something didn't happen. They know from experience, that it will tie the hands of the administration and effectively neuter any conservative progress. They use legal intimidation, the threat of litigation, Orwellian redefinitions of legal directives, of legislation, and case histories, many of which are nebulous and broadly based, to shape the public perception of the issue or issues that they want to control. In this case, they want to overturn the decision by the American people, to place Donald Trump in the White House. Just as they have on decisions about abortion, gay marriage, gay rights, global warming, workplace quotas, misogyny and the minimum wage, about health care rights, Islamophobia, and everything that is considered important by leftists. What the public wants is not important, because in the words of Hillary Clinton, those who disagree with Progressive utopian initiatives are "deplorable." Progressives unapologetically condition their political views on the premise that those that disagree are too dumb to be trusted to make decisions about public policy. If you argue with that assertion, in their mind, you are unpatriotic. George Orwell created Comrad Napoleon, to illustrate the nature of Progressivism in his prescient novel Animal Farm: “No one believes more firmly than Comrade Napoleon that all animals are equal. He would be only too happy to let you make your decisions for yourselves. But sometimes you might make the wrong decisions, comrades, and then where should we be?” |
January 2025