Every time I bring up a hot political topic around friends and family, I get a look of disgust.
"Why do you want to talk about negative things? The news is just too depressing, so ignore it!" I admit, I do spend too much time worrying about the fate of my Country, and by extension, the future of my children and their children. OK, fine. But if not me, who? In 1949 George Orwell picked the year 1984 as the setting for his iconic novel because he thought it represented a time in the future, not too far away, but enough to be considered a little unpredictable. So the idea of '1984' was to project, by logical extension, what would happen if the tendencies of his era were to continue to escalate. And the tendencies that worried Orwell were the exact same tendencies we are seeing amongst inattentive, lazy, self-absorbed and vacuous American citizens, who should, but don't indicate they do, know better. I call it the 'Oh Well' Generation. As described by Wikipedia, I have taken the creative liberty to make just a few minor changes in the wording, just to illustrate my point: "Nineteen Eighty-Four, sometimes published as 1984, is a dystopian novel by George Orwell published in 1949. It unfolds in a world of perpetual war, omnipresent government surveillance, and public manipulation, dictated by a socio-political system euphemistically named 'Progressives' under the control of a privileged Inner Party elite that persecutes all individualism and independent thinking as 'extremist rhetoric'. The tyranny is epitomized by Brother Obama, the quasi-divine Party leader who enjoys an intense cult of personality. Brother Obama and the Progressive Wing of the Democratic Party justify their oppressive rule in the name of a supposed greater good." In 1949, Orwell was concerned about post war nihilism. People were becoming increasingly oblivious to politics because they had had enough of conflict, sacrifice and internationalism. Europeans and Americans had turned inward and were growing more and more self absorbed. Sound familiar? I recently watched Megyn Kelly of Fox News, interview the infamous Ultra-Liberal tenured Professor from Northwestern University, and 'reformed' American terrorist from the sixties and seventies, Professor Bill Ayers, and he personifies the way the Left rearranges history and reinvents the language to avoid reality. This guy and many of his comrades from the Students For a Democratic Society (which was born in my college era), have now become college professors and spokesman for the Left (or as they like to call themselves Progressives). This man is a Professor at a major publicly funded college! He is spewing this kind of convoluted, seriously flawed form of indoctrination to young, easily influenced and eager to establish their-own-identity minds. And he is far from the exception, but unfortunately in today's climate, his political mentality is the rule on many, if not most, American college campuses. As did the leaders in Orwell's 1984, in his interview with Kelly,Ayers had a convenient 'angle' to rationalize what any clear thinking person would call violent, destructive and completely self aggrandizing 'protests' that only a delusional extremist could justify in American politics. He simply rewrote the history. Here is the technique utilized by the Left: when you are confronted with a contradiction or failure, chose another public figure to use as a foil. Point out how much further to the left or right they are than you, and suggest by attacking your view, that journalist is being narrow minded, hateful and partisan. Thus shifting the focus back onto the interviewer, and making yourself look moderate, open-minded and fair. Or, simply deny you had anything to do with it, characterize the charge as partisan, hateful, and extremist. Ergo, your position is the moderate one and those people are dangerous! This has been the strategy used by Brother Obama. I wonder where he learned that technique? It fits right in with Brother Saul Alinski's infamous book 'Rules For Radicals' where he spells out the exact dogma employed by Ayres and Obama. To achieve their overall goal of tearing apart the pillars of freedom that stand in their way to convert America to a Statist style government, here are the main strategic points of attack Leftists like Ayers repeat in lock-step: Destroy the Family Unit; it is the basic foundation on which America has established it's worldwide dominance. Destroy Christianity; Statism cannot compete with a belief system that worships a Supreme Being and authority. Demonize Capitalism; establish a national guilt trip that presents Capitalism as selfish, oppressive and destructive. Redefine Language; through intimidation and exploitation of children and the underclass, Progressives can change attitudes and perceptions, and garner emotional support for their effort to reconstruct society. Multiply and Divide Special Interest Groups; agitate and organize angry disenfranchised minoritie groups and then pit them against each other and the establishment; then ride in to rescue selected parties and form disruptive and vocal coalitions to defeat conservatives and moderates. Rewrite History; destroy any allegiance to the 'Glamorized' history of the country, remove any incentives to sacrifice oneself for the good of the evil establishment. Embrace Mother Nature and Demonize Others as Agents of Destruction; Environmentalism is the New Religion, which justifies nearly any means to Save the Planet!. Any campaign that engenders extreme emotional energy is good for Earth, bad for Individualism and greed. Pretend to Hate Government; while raging against government invasions of privacy such as the IRS, NSA, CIA, or even private efforts to collect data such as Facebook and Google. In the meantime: Increase the Size and Scope of Government Exponentially; the theory is that if people are government, than government can do no bad. Also, government jobs that earn excessive salaries, and offer early retirement and lifetime benefits for doing basically nothing are achievable by everyone as long as we all share in the spoils! Focus on Institutes of Higher Learning; because schools honor the sanctity of 'Academic' freedom and tenured service, scholars can establish their own curriculum, especially since college campuses are often isolated, closed societies where political activities can be disguised as 'a search for truth.' Control the Media; a leasson learned from the Nazi's. People don't know what they don't know, so controlling the dissemination of information is seminal to obtaining and managing social obedience. Reorganize and Dominate the Legal System; what you can't gain through the popular vote, you mandate through the court system. To do that, you must win the emotional side of the judicial court. This is accomplished by setting precedents that Fair is morally superior to Right. Right is a subjective, Religious based principle, while Fair is a Universal Humanist position that is immutable. Over time, results can be obtained as the judiciary is slowly turned over to the 'Well Educated' students from advanced indoctrination centers or what is commonly referred to as Law School. Today, America faces the institutional attack on and the breakdown and perversion of home and family ties, the demonization and attempted eradication of religion to make room for secular political cult worship, as realized by the sycophantic media worship of President Obama. And, the leaders on the Left use the calculated and coordinated manipulation of language and history to suit the agenda of their Progressive worldview, and they use deliberate economic strangulation in order to ensure compliance in the population. As the strength of our economy continues to weaken, Progressives blame Capitalism, corporate greed, institutionalized racism, sexism, and religion-driven 'hatred' and discrimination for all of their failed wealth redistribution schemes such as ObamaCare. This is pure Communist dogma! For example, Democrats characterize the conflict over the abandonment of the security of our borders as 'Anti-immigration' bigotry, when in fact it is a battle over the proper enforcement of our existing laws. Democrats characterize those who would object to the government using their tax dollars to fund abortions as a 'War on Women' when in fact it is a battle over the sanctity of human life and the moral imperative to defend the defenseless. When it is difficult to gin up support for your position on a subject, sometimes it is just easier to change, or redefine the subject than to change minds. Orwell predicted that Statism would resort to language manipulation to reorder history and cover up their true desire for control. So today we have multiple news channels all using different terms to speak to their audience, each suspicious of the other because the news coverage appear to be diametrically opposed. Our major institutions of learning has been overrun by ultra-liberal administrations made up of displaced, disgraced politicians, community organizers and social misfits. With their lifetime tenure, six-figure salaries, and protected status, they are free to indoctrinate the next generation of leaders. Bill Ayers is just one of many including Saul Alinsky, Dana Cloud and Ward Churchill, just to name a few. Today, one need only examine the regimes of Stalin, Pol Pot, Mao Zedong and Kim Jong Il to see examples of Orwellian dictatorships where atheism and state-worship were forcibly substituted for religion, the deliberate starvation of all but the most elite members of society, and even Orwell's nightmarish vision of sons spying on their parents for the state came true in the Soviet Union, and still persists in North Korea. In America, we have admittedly minor league versions of the perversions, with children suing their parents for their emancipation, women claiming birth control restrictions are a war on their health being perpetrated by religious zealots. We have an entire generation of laborers being pushed aside by a group of illegal immigrants who have been purposely imported to gain control over massive numbers of displaced, undereducated and non-unionized workers and to simultaneously bribe the exploited immigrants for their votes. Orwell uses the book to attack the intrusiveness and arrogance of big government, and inadvertently predated the William Snowden, NSA, IRS and ICE scandals currently plaguing the Ultra-Liberal Obama regime. Like the authorities in 1984, the current administration coreens from crisis to crisis, drumming up fear and anxiety, and by promising to look out for the little guy, continues to grab more and more power and create larger and larger constituencies of mind numbed, distracted and drugged voters who have no core values left to defend. What is most disturbing is that what is happening today, besides being foretold in Orwell's 1984, has been well documented and investigated, both by government and by investigative journalists for five decades! Now we have a President who refuses to refute many of these issues because he is an avowed Alinskyite! We have reached a threshold that may portend the unthinkable, the complete implosion of the American Dream! As a part of their aspirations to destroy America as we know it, here are some of the Stated Goals of the American Communist Party as told by a former member to Congress during an investigation of un-American activities in the early '60's. As you read them, think of how many have already become the 'New Normal.'
My point is, whenever you hear Progressives espouse their agenda, or attack their opposition, be sure to place their arguments in perspective of any one or more of the above strategic plans designed to tear our country apart. Then you decide, who has your best interests in mind....? |
January 2025