We are an arrogant bunch; us North American people who are currently wailing about the latest 'brutal and uncivilized' attack on innocents in France.
We have been under increasing assault by radical Jihadist's and each time we spend an inordinate amount of time wondering about why we weren't able to predict the assault and preemptively stop it, or how incredibly sadistic and twisted the Jihadist are. We lament the fact that some people in the world just have no respect for human life, and that we will not give in to their threats and sick mass murders. And then we go back to drinking our latte. In France we saw 17 people die by gunfire or explosion. The whole world, it seemed, rallied in support. The headline fonts were enormous! Spontaneous street demonstrations of solidarity broke out all over Europe. The demonstrators wanted to support the right of free expression. What? What about the right to be free from the threat of the destruction of civilization? All the while, the unbelievable amount of barbaric carnage continued on a daily basis in North Africa: hundreds slaughtered and mutilated. Mostly elderly, women and children! Boko Haram simply walked into another small village and began to systematically slaughter the entire population. That, just after kidnapping hundreds of girls to be put into forced sexual slavery! Next up, the next edition of Jihadi John, the extreme reality mini-series of live beheadings of innocent civilians, appearing monthly on the Evening News! And this is just a couple of many incidents that are occurring daily around the world in Third World locations. Hundreds of thousands have been murdered, displaced and ravaged and have you seen one report on TV lately? To learn anything about these occurrences you will have to look to the back pages of the newspaper, or scour the internet... Just a few weeks ago, Taliban terrorists walked into a school for for the families of the Pakistani military and methodically executed over 140 attendees, mostly children! Not one street demonstration anywhere in the world! Where is the collective outrage? What will it take for the civilized world to recognize we are all in this together? We are the human race, and regardless of how wealthy and 'sophisticated' our western culture may be, we are still connected to our North African, Pakistani, and Somali brothers by DNA. Just because the cancer is mostly isolated to your little toe doesn't make it any less deadly. This is a Worldwide War. It is unlike any war in history, because it has no borders, no Nationalities, and no real politics. It is a war against civilization by Evil. A growing cancer of misguided and mutant non-human beings that are hellbent on destroying modern civilization. It is impossible to make peace with them, because there is no 'them.' We are dealing with a biological dysfunction of the human race. Though the radicals claim to be motivated by religious doctrine, the fact is they are in no way a religious movement. They have nothing positive to offer. They have not yet contributed anything to the well being of the Planet. And they never will. Quite the contrary, they threaten the very existence of the Planet. Just as cancer cells wage war on the healthy cell division of living things, the terrorist Jihad is waging war on the healthy coexistence of human beings with each other and the environment. What feeds their fire is the power to destroy, to demand attention and to cause death and disorder. It is the ultimate degree of Narcissism, and it amounts to Stage 5 incurable cancer, if you will. We cannot afford to waste another precious moment in time waxing about motives, inequality, religious affiliations, youthful alienation, or proportional responses. The doctor has said, this is a terminal disease and there are only a few possible treatments that MIGHT work. None are easy, most are going to cause severe side effects, but there is no chance of survival if we don't start serious and sustained treatment ASAP. But one thing is for sure: unless and until we recognize the fact that we are in a battle for survival, we have no chance of winning. Then he spells out what he recommends the treatment should be...more on that later. Click the button to read 'The Prescription' |
January 2025