As a man in his seventies, a lot of things make me crazy. It goes with the territory. My absent-mindedness, my clumsiness, disillusionment and lack of empathy for morons, are all serious consequences of the effects of age. Especially in an era of such rapid advancements in technology and cultural awareness, it seems unforgivable to be feeling uncomfortable in my state of mind. So most of my frustrations are dismissed by my friends and family, as symptoms of old age and white privilege. I have no patience for change and I can afford to be bitchy… There is one issue that really boils my blood. I cannot resist whining about it because I find it unbelievable that so few people recognize how sinister it really is. The news media talks about the "new threat" of fentanyl as something we all need to take seriously. How we all need to reiterate the dangers of drugs to our kids. How we should let our political community leaders know how important the threat of this powerful "new" drug is, and demand increased resources to stop its spread. And I agree with all of that, but… To me this is completely missing the point. The drug is just another weapon being used to destroy our nation. By focusing on the weapon, we are ignoring the army that is using it to undermine our society and everything we stand for. We have made the same mistake with the gun issue: Blaming an inanimate object for the epidemic of gun violence is misdirected anger. As with drugs, it is the peddlers, the distributors and the profiteers that are the enemy. With Fentanyl in particular, there is an ulterior motive: The Chinese Communist Party is using one of the planet's most deadly drugs to quietly destroy a generation of perceived enemy capitalists. I remember being told, as an elementary school student in the late fifties, to be ready to "tuck and roll" should we hear the alarms go off during class hours. To immediately get under our desks, because there was a threat of nuclear war, and if incoming Russian missiles carrying nuclear weapons were detected, we needed to "take cover" immediately. At that age, we paid close attention, but as the years passed, I began to realize those were stupid instructions. What protection was a flimsy student desk going to offer should we be hit with a nuclear holocaust? It was an exercise in self deception. There was no such thing as protection from the effects of a nuclear missile attack, but the authorities had to pretend there was, or..well, they would be irrelevant. Today, we are being attacked by a scourge of fentanyl. Millions of our citizens are being killed. And the authorities say we need to "warn young people about the dangers of drugs". But the cartel's missiles keep landing in our neighborhoods. The carnage continues, and every day, more missiles are launched into new neighborhoods. The death toll continues to increase exponentially. Maybe we should try attacking and destroying the missile launchers? We have the means. We could easily invade Mexico and take down the Mexican Cartels, if we had the military commitment, the political desire, to end this war now! We should simply tell the Mexicans, join us or get out of the way. We will take no prisoners and offer no quarter to anyone standing in our way. Period. I think the Mexican people would welcome us. We would encounter some serious resistance, mainly from the huge criminal class of wealthy drug and human traffickers, and compromised military divisions, but that would crumble just as fast as Saddam Hussein's Iraqi Republican Guards in the Gulf War in 2003. We must do whatever it takes to end the assault on our nation. We know most of the ingredients needed to manufacture Fentanyl come from China, but without the distribution machinery, the smuggling channels, the Chinese chemists have no market. At least not in our country. If I were in charge, I would pull out of Ukraine, and most other countries as well, and rally my military might to save the next generation of Americans from this relentless rain of death. |
January 2025