As much as I disagree with our President, and think his policies and leadership are disastrous for America, I am quite sure that an equal number of my fellow citizens felt similar emotions about George W. Bush.
It is the nature of the human experience, we are fairly evenly split with the way we think. It is the Ying and the Yang of American political culture. American's have our differences, but we respect the opposition, we beat each other up, in the marketplace of ideas. But we don't accept outright hatred as a part of the process. We don't create institutional policies that codify the elimination of opposing parties or religious groups. We sometimes go over the top with exaggerations and extreme characterizations, but we never campaign for the 'elimination' of the opposition or use victims of mass murder as vehicles to advance our agendas. That is something done in other countries where the respect for human life is virtually non-existnat; where death is glamorized as an act of religious faith; where tolerance for other religions is considered a crime; where victimization is taught as religious doctrine. That is what they do in Turkey! Having said that, I get nauseated when I see our American President cozying up to colossal bigots such as the Prime Minister of Turkey, who had the temerity to suggest that the Israeli military actions in Gaza "surpasses Hitler in barbarism." Whether you like or dislike the Israelis, you have to be an ignoramus to even think of comparing what is happening in Gaza to the Holocaust. That would be like equating a flash flood with a Tsunami, or a flash bomb with an Atomic bomb. This inflammatory anti-semmetic rhetoric, however, is indicative of people who hate Jews. There never was, nor is there now, an ounce of moral clarity to their thinking. They epitomize the definition of Bigotry, and Mr. Obama, of all people on this planet, ought to know that better than anyone! For Barrack Obama, the Leader of the Free World to let that kind of comment go without a strong expression of moral outrage and a demand to correct Mr. Erdogan's statement and to demand he apologize to the families of survivors of Hitler's intentional, systematic murder of six million people just because of their faith, is beyond outrage! I would have felt the same shame had GWB, Bill Clinton, or Dwight David Eisenhower failed to respond appropriately. But that never happened. I wonder why? |
January 2025