Our leaders who, for the most part, are anti-war pacifists, indoctrinated during the second half of the 20th century, are simply incapable of defending our country. As graduates of Harvard, Yale, and many other institutes of higher learning in our country, they have been thoroughly trained in left-wing ideology and social pacifism. They call themselves Progressives, because no one will listen to a Communist.They are excellent students of Karl Marx, Fidel Castro, Saul Alinsky, and Bill Ayers, all of whom are avowed Communists. These homegrown America-haters who dominate the halls of academia, taught our current generation of leaders to never capitulate to the military-industrial complex' view that we are under attack and that our very existence is threatened. Though the facts are ever present, Progressives cannot allow those facts to contradict their template that 'Love is all you need.' A philosophy that is especially true when the State is in charge, since Love is about all anyone will own.
Most of our leaders from both parties, have embraced the term 'War on Terror' but the Obama administration has made it clear to their cabinet administrators to avoid the term whenever possible. 'It is pejorative and racist,' since, I guess, most people will associate 'Terror' with the Religion of Peace. We citizens watch the news to see how the War on Terror is going, and pray for and thank our armed services personnel for their great sacrifices, while Progressives simultaneously hold anger and resentment toward the former Bush administration and all Conservatives because they inherently want war. Last night I watched a couple of talking heads scream at each other about the Israeli concern that if Iran gets a nuclear weapon, it could spell the end of their existence. The woman representing the administration kept saying, 'So you want another war?' The person defending Benjamin Netanyahu and the Israeli position that Iran cannot be allowed to have nuclear weapons, was unable to get her to focus on the question. She insisted on making the issue about 'Either you want another war or you don't.' I took her position to mean, 'Let the rest of the Planet go to Hell, but the US cannot afford, nor does it want, another war.' As a citizen, I find this disturbing; no, infuriating! Our administration needs to recognize that there is no War on Terror; there is a War on America. The War on Terror is just a euphemism to pacify the electorate, so the administration can focus their legislative efforts on social activism, gay marriage, racial and sexual injustice, police violence, redistribution of wealth, and legalizing drugs. We need to demand that they recognize that the Islamic Jihad is aimed directly at us, and that the Islamic Caliphate will not be satiated until we, along with Israel, are destroyed. As soon as possible, we need to increase the offensive nature of our efforts to take control of the situation, announce our intentions to DEFEND ourselves vigorously against the War on America that has been declared by Radical Islam. The best defense is a strong offense, so we need to join with our committed allies like Jordan, Israel, Greece, Iraq, France, Australia, Britain, Germany, Norway, and Libya among others, and take the battle to them. We need to assemble an Army of Special Operations Teams to go wherever they need to go to hunt these animals down and kill them! Stopping attacks against the Homeland is all well and good, but letting the enemy surround your position, cut off your supply lines, and bombard the media with propaganda is a sure formula for failure. In the overall scheme of things, no intelligent person can reasonably say the Islamic Jihad is being contained or in any way diminished by our current administration's military strategy. By any measure, our current efforts more closely resemble a video game than an all out war. The civilian controlled military has been fighting with not one, but both, arms tied behind their back. They are handicapped by hundreds of 'fairness' doctrines and 'socially sensitive' protocols, to the point of near emasculation. Democrats oppose nearly every strategic initiative recommended by the Pentagon. They have telegraphed our withdrawals to the enemy, they have decimated our intelligence, they have reduced our defense budgets and decommissioned nearly half of our overall international presence. They view the Jihad as a criminal endeavor and are trying to defeat it with anti-gang social programs. They have subjugated our allies to attempt to appease the enemy, only to see the savage armies increase in size, reach and barbarity. As one third of the Planet smolders, Obama gives our oldest and most trusted Middle East allies the cold shoulder and dismisses their effort to protect themselves from a modern day holocaust as 'reactionary overkill.' If I didn't know better, I would think George Orwell was the Director of Communications in this White House! In the meantime, the Islamic Caliphate is marching on, gaining momentum, while broadcasting their ultimate objective: 'Death to America! Death to Capitalism! Death to Obama! Death to the Jews!' Pacifism may be fine as a personal life choice. But when incorporated into a worldwide strategic policy, it has always resulted in catastrophe. Unfortunately, our current leaders seem incapable of learning from history. |
January 2025