Good evening America. Now that you have heard what the Beltway Brotherhood has in store for our Nation, let me make some recommendations... So should Donald Trump be reelected in 2024, what would he do next? I can't speak for him, but I have some suggestions. A lot has happened since the 2020 election. Most of it has placed all of our lives under a dark shadow. We are increasingly concerned about our liberties. The Democratic Regime has signaled its desire to confiscate our guns. To force us to submit to experimental medical treatments. To remove parental influence from the public school system. To restrict our access to travel by imposing an entirely untried, untested and unrealistic new form of automobile, and stopping production on the oldest and most effective mode of transportation the world has ever seen. In the Democrat proposed New Green Deal, the government will decide how much you can travel, work or eat. They will create more equity in our social order by eliminating rewards for accomplishment or for achieving goals, all because they insist we never hurt anyone's feelings or allow them to feel inadequate. I think we need to turn inward simply because we have not only turned too outward (through open borders and unrestricted spending to affect foreign affairs), but we have effectively abandoned many American citizens. We have a homeless epidemic in America. It is growing exponentially, and it is becoming increasingly dangerous. Our military veterans are committing suicide at unbelievable rates (18 per day!) and our children are falling further and further behind other nations in education, and too many are getting addicted to drugs, sex and digital entertainment. So, first and foremost, Trump should end all foreign aid. Period. None, not one drop of taxpayer funds should be sent overseas unless it is payment for contracted equipment or services. Not only does most of it get wasted or stolen, but nothing ever changes. We are being ripped off. And much of it is being recycled in money laundering schemes to return to criminals in our own government. We have to break the vicious cycle of taking money away from hard working Americans and throwing it at problems that can be resolved in other ways. Americans are notoriously poor at managing money, and bureaucrats are the worst offenders. Use much of those foreign aid funds to clean up our cities from homeless encampments that are really just hang outs for drug use and human trafficking. Embrace our veterans and provide whatever it takes to make them feel honored, empowered and safe. They have earned every ounce of our gratitude so put their issues front and center. Are there some folks trapped in a cycle of homelessness? Of course, but they will jump at an opportunity to get a job, to put their kids in school and to get the treatment they need for health problems. The others are not homeless, they are helpless. They cannot care for themselves either because of their excessive drug dependence or because of mental health issues. They need to be placed in nursing homes, just like seniors who have lost the ability to take care of themselves. It is the compassionate thing to do and it is the right thing to do because law abiding, hard working folks that live and work in the areas most affected by these encampments don't deserve to have to deal with the threats of violence and inconvenience of the mess these helpless people engender. Next, return our military equipment to America and its neighbors. Withdraw from foreign countries, and reduce our exposure to attacks from other forces that use unorthodox techniques to damage our troops and our allies. Tanks and airplanes and boots on the ground are ineffective tools to deal with bioweapons, geopolitical misinformation campaigns and financial warfare. Our continent is our neighborhood, and studies have shown that neighborhood policing is the most effective way to deter crime and protect the citizens. The information age requires us to rethink how we interact with the world. We should support and reward our allies when they act in our best interest with trade agreements and travel and entertainment exchanges. It is quickly becoming clear that the New World Order is not going to relinquish its demands that everyone on Earth comply with a One World Government. In the eyes of Klaus Schwab and his 4th Reich allies, it is either their way or the highway. Trump needs to make it clear, that's not gonna happen. We need to 'take the highway' immediately! New World Order promoters have never demonstrated any ability to manage the affairs of any country other than by using authoritarian controls. And there are no real examples of any of those regimes actually making the lives of their citizens better. What Klaus Schwab and Justin Trudeau want is nothing more than a modern day Animal Farm. Fortunately, America has two enormous oceans separating us from other continents and those that insist they know what is best for us. It is time to retool our military, and redefine the mission of each of the branches. We are unlikely to engage in land wars in the future. We don't want to conquer more land, and those that do will have to deal with the countries that they want to annex. That alone limits the geography of potential land wars. I would suggest that skirmishes like Ukraine are anomalies because of the historical allegiances of Eastern Europe. The threat that most counties face now are invasions from religious migrations, and those will have to be dealt with within their own boundaries using different sorts of intellectual and cultural combat tactics. Because of the enormous influences of worldwide instant communications, every culture will come under assault at some point. Authoritarian regimes will simply stamp out any subversion of their established norms. Whereas free countries will have to figure out how to maintain order when large groups of single interest or simply contrarian forces decide to disrupt the rule of law. This has to be the focus of our American Congress. Information systems have twisted our norms to the degree that a large number of citizens want to impose authoritarian controls on our society. They want to censor descent, to punish anyone that qualifies as what they define as "extreme"or out of the "norm". They want to rewrite traditional norms like the constitution, because in their mind, it imposes a racist construct on minorities and people of color. This mirrors the extremes of the Great Leap Forward imposed on China by Mao Zedong. Unfortunately, our school system has played a major part in making socialism appear to be "The New Norm" and since our media complex is made up of recent graduates, they tend to affirm this approach as a reasonable solution to what they call "Indigenous White Privilege In America".The best way to force Academia to correct itself is economic pressure. Trump should encourage parents to avoid the public school system entirely, and especially circumvent the colleges that support CRT and other anti-American, anti-Christian programs. Perhaps he could collaborate with elected representatives to pass legislation that gives tax incentives for homeschooling and attending technical training schools. Bringing home our troops, suspending foreign aid, reorganizing our defense systems and purging our public schools of union led Progressive ideologues is only the first layer of the onion our nation must peel. Beyond that we must self examine our core values. Ask every citizen what they need and want for their future, because just beating up white people, undermining our economy and demanding repatriation for black ancestors of slaves will not bring about the united, coordinated and ambitious community we all desire. We all want a nation as good or better than our parents handed us. I still believe most Americans agree that the Constitution of the United States of America, as flawed as it might be, is the best outline for a structured civilization that ever existed, and that we must find ways to work within and with that document and the three branches of government it created, to have any chance of pursuing liberty and justice for all. Here are some other policies I think Trump should announce during the approaching election campaign:
Imagine what would happen to the economy if the government used tax revenues to pay for gasoline. Instead of burning trillions on war in Ukraine, we could issue government credit cards that could only be used to fuel trucks and cars. It would reverse the ravages of inflation instantly! It would benefit the poor, who are currently incentivized not to work. It would fire up the travel industry, sparking a renewed interest in our National Parks and Historical Monuments, and bring down the cost of all goods and services that utilize our highway system. It would feed the needs of infrastructure improvements, because much of the money spent would circulate right back to government services that maintain highways and bridges. I would suggest that giving all American citizens free gasoline would bolster small businesses against anti-business regulations that are destroying the fabric of our culture and economy. The gas companies would continue to do business just like they do now, only they would bill the federal government. The only ones that would suffer would be the credit card companies, that are currently sucking the life blood out of the middle class, and the welfare agencies that are subsidizing folks that simply can't afford to get a job that doesn't pay enough to fund the cost of gas. Besides, the Democrats have owned the freebie business long enough. They discovered a long time ago that you can buy votes by promising free abortions, free education, free food stamps and now, free bail after you get arrested for stealing something the Democrats don't give you for free! It is the perfect domestic aid program for all Americans. I have never been a fan of giant government Work Projects, but the truth is we already have them. Large percentages of state and local tax receipts are dedicated to highway and infrastructure improvements. An increasing amount of federal spending is going to bridges and major highways since many have been ignored for decades. But, compared to what the government spent on infrastructure in the first half of the twentieth century as a percentage of its total budget, roads and highways just can't compete with allowances for defense, Social Security, Medicaid and aid to the disadvantaged (welfare). We are currently committed to spending nearly $1 trillion in Ukraine! As horrible as the conflict in Eastern Europe is, if we rechanneled that money into our own infrastructure and the pocketbooks of our citizens, the opportunities for free nations to influence the desires of Russia or Ukraine or Germany or Finland or China, would expand exponentially. We are confronting a crisis of confidence in our government's ability to manage our most important social needs: Our supply chains are in collapse, our food sources are drying up, our schools are indoctrination centers and are determined to replace parents and the nuclear family. There are competing forces in conflict over harvesting crops and distributing food. You can find these same dynamics at work interfering with major industries throughout the country, whether it is food, tools,machinery, building supplies, or information and entertainment, there are opposing interests between unions and independents, major corporations and associates or small business owners, and the government only seems to make matters worse when it tries to intervene. My wife works for an independent medical supplies distributor. Both are sole proprietors who just get up in the morning and work to distribute a device that helps people heal quicker and with better results after surgery. In recent years, both the state and the feds have imposed new restrictions on the manufacturers and their distributors, After Obamacare, the feds required national manufacturers to either offer their distributors full-time benefits or to cut them lose and make them independent contractors who would then be responsible for their own Social Security and FICA tax payments as well as their own healthcare insurance. Immediately the companies fired their distributors and offered them new, much less beneficial agreements, which saved the corporations millions in expenses. Now the independents have to pay for their own automobile expenses, and they no longer receive IRA contributions or management benefits. Then California imposed even more demands on independents: They must make minimum weekly state healthcare contributions and prepay annual income estimates on a quarterly basis, just like the feds require. Some distribution centers are required to use only union workers and can be fined for hiring non union contractors. This is the conundrum so many folks are facing in small business: At what point do you just throw in the towel and give up? Finally, give Mothers A Helping Hand! It is time for our country to formally recognize the importance of the Nuclear Family, and help restore the functionality of One Working Parent Households. To give women the opportunity to fulfill their God-given need to raise children, to be the glue that holds families together, and to be proud of those objectives and accomplishments. For decades we have pushed women into the workforce by celebrating female "liberation" and painting homemakers as lazy, unambitious traitors to feminism. Now the results are coming in and they are horrifying. Every measure of the health of a community is down. Nationwide, the condition of the family unit, of the health of children, and the harmony of neighborhoods is down. The American Ideal is a shadow of its past. Liberals refer to Trump as a Nazi White Supremacist who wants to return America to a "mythical" past where women were subjugated to child rearing, as though that is something objectionable. They characterize the post-war American Experience as something terrible, and instead direct us into a "Progressive" future where children are no longer a "burden" on women and men are relegated to nothing more than "gender neutral" passengers on the Train To The Promiseland. Finally, I have said it before, and I will say it again: Mister Golden Hair Surprise MUST establish a new political party that is beholden only to one group of citizens. Those that are associated with government, unions and foreign heritage they refuse to abandon, are welcome, but they must pledge their allegiance to America. And they must also pledge their willingness to support The Nuclear Family. The new party will organize itself, and direct its resources towards those citizens that consider the future of their children over and above other sources of income or fulfillment. Trump must establish The Family First Party. It will not cater to business, foreign interests, or any other special interest group. It will transcend race, gender, and religious interests, because in the end, children don't belong to any of those adult constructs. We must return our focus to our children, because that is the one thing all humans have in common: We all want the best for our kids, so why not start every conversation, every cause, every movement, every piece of legislation with children at the core of the effort? Republicans were an important element of the successes of America, but the Party has been compromised. It is no longer independent of corporate and transnational interest influences. It has become an abusive and coercive partner that can no longer be trusted. Democrats have shown themselves to be obsessed with power and control. They continue to pursue authoritarian initiatives across the nation and now are colluding with New World Order aristocrats to impose draconian controls on all of mankind. They are so duplicitous as to be laughable, except that their ideas are calamitous! But they do experience the family dynamic at some point in their lives, and some actually cling to those memories, even while being coerced by powerful collective forces to renounce using terms like "Mom" and "Dad" or "Mother" because they are too gender centric. We can recruit them! They are ready to escape the coercive abuse of the "Neo Communist" Democratic Party. We are already seeing an enormous immigration of Latino, Black and Asian voters towards mostly Libertarian or Trump MAGA candidates. The fact is the Republican Party has been caught in so many corrupt practices, especially the way they treated one of their own. I haven't given a dime to the Republican Party in two years! And I am not alone. Pass the hat for The Family First Party, and I am all in! |
January 2025