I believe it is time to redefine Republicanism. Why? Ask any college student why they vote Democratic and they will tell you because Republicans are the party of the rich, of corporations that exploit workers, and because Republican conservatives want to subjugate women and minorities, and live in an era that has passed. Before I explain my reasoning, let me answer those specious points: Republicans are not the party of the rich. It is an undeniable fact that most of the world's richest people are outspoken liberals, if not outright lefties ( Jeff Bezos, Warren Buffet, Bill Gates and Michael Blumberg, to name just the elite of the elite). Most corporations give campaign contributions to Republicans as well as Democrats, while promoting leftist DEI programs (diversity, equity and inclusion) that indirectly subjugate white males, and give preferential treatment to people based only on their gender and heritage, not on merit. Major corporations support the divisive Progressive Agenda with financial and social policy. Does Big Business exploit their employees? If you use the term 'exploit' literally, then yes, they do. Why should corporations, or any business, act differently than most people? We citizens all want to get the most for our money, so we demand our service providers give us constant incentives to give them our business. How is demanding more work for less money any less moral than demanding more insurance coverage for less money? As Liberty Mutual would say, you should "Only Pay For What You Need". Exploiting the workforce comes with the territory. That is why we have freedom to seek employment elsewhere, to withhold services (unions) or to start our own business to compete with those we think are evil. In a capitalist economy, everyone is free to take their services and business somewhere else if they think they are getting a raw deal. Democrats would prefer authoritarian rules instead of free market forces that determine winners and losers. Do a lot of rich, successful people prefer the Republican Party? Of course, because they see the Party's policies as supporting freedom of choice, freedom of speech, of expression and the best way to release the economic power of the people to lift all boats. Business needs customers with disposable income, so a strong economy is paramount. How would I redefine the idea of Republicanism? How do we reach folks that have been bred to think Republicans subjugate women and profit from slavery when in fact it has been the Party to Free the Slaves, to give the Vote to Women. Joe Biden claims to be building back better, when in fact he is doing what all Democratic administrations do: They hire millions of new government bureaucrats, print money, and throw it around to feed the appetites of dependents, like Big Labor, Big Unions, Big Pharma, Big Military and the under educated, unhealthy and the unemployable Big Dependent Class. So what is the ideal new image for a redefined Republican Party? I would focus on Women's Issues. Democrats have all but abandoned the concept of womanhood.
As Republicans, we should champion genetic differences with a deep and abiding respect for the defining and necessary contributions of women. Republicans must be especially on the side of True Marriage. Democrat policies mirror those of absentee parents: They claim to cherish and protect their children while the kids are being raised by proxy. When the kids go rogue and get into serious trouble, the "overworked" and "overwhelmed" absentee parents blame society and everyone but themselves. Then they beg the taxpayers for more after school and underprivileged neighborhood 'programs', believing money can substitute for kinship. In the Civil War Era, Democrats used the Ku Klux Klan to bash the Republicans, claiming they were the racists, who lynched innocent blacks. Only later did the truth come out that it was the Democrats behind the bigotry. Now they claim the MAGA Movement is a threat to Democracy. Republicans must protect The Family Unit first and foremost! It is a microcosm of a community, a state, or a nation. It is all just a matter of degree. Nationalism is no different than familyism and should be embraced by any civilization that wants to thrive. It is time to rebrand Republicanism with a new moral imperative: "Republicans, the Family First Party." |
January 2025