With all of our nation's focus on the Presidential debates and the race to either continue the incredible rate of government expansion and intrusion on freedom, or the U-turn the Republicans are seemingly recommending we make, it is easy for us Californians to overlook the complete dismantling of our once great Golden State.
If we as a Nation want to see what four more years of 'progressive' leadership would do to America, all we have to do is look at what has happened to California after several decades of one party rule. Whether it is liberalisms ideological addiction to fairness and public employee spending (releasing thousands of prisoners to off set out of whack prison administative over spending) or mindless inattendence to water management and storage to deal with extended droughts, the collapse of our ability to educate our young in what was once the most respected public school system in America, or the delusional impulse to regulate businesses to the point of extinction, California embodies 'Progressivism Gone Wild.' Stanford historian Victor Davis Hanson asks whether Californai can be saved from itself. A question that one of the interviewers, at either of the Presidential candidates debates, ought to be asking about America. Click here to read more of his insightful piece recently published by the Hoover Institute.... |
January 2025