In my book I lament the condition of the modern day male and how many young men just don't know how to be men. I never meant that to be a condemnation of our youth, just a comment on our culture and how we have brought boys up in a confusing maelstrom of gender confusion and guilt.
In the chapter 'Beware of Men' I wrote, "We need to understand and accept the natural role of the male species the physical, physiological and emotional lifespan of the human being." Camille Paglia, one of America's most respected and gifted writers about feminism and culture, has just released a new book. She digs deep into the cultural currents that have nearly destroyed 'men' as we once knew them to be. In Free Women Free Men - Sex - Gender - Feminism she writes "Our understanding of sexuality, a paradigmatic theme, and indeed obsession of modern culture, has been clouded by its current politicization. Sex and gender have been redefined by ill-informed academic theorists as superficial, fictive phenomena produced by oppressive social forces, disconnected by biology." The feminization of men subject is overshadowed by women protest movements that divert attention to female social issues like pay discrimination, paid maternity leave, abortion, yada yada yada. It will become increasingly serious though, and when the problem metastasizes, as male role models devolve into little boys who cannot function without their dominating mother figures, the world may wish they hadn't banished Adam from the Garden. |
January 2025